12 Metaphors for commodities

That commodity is fresh water.

The commodities I wish to procure from your country are, silver, gold, coral, and scarlet.

The principal commodities procured were ivory, gold, honey and negro slaves.

It may be observed, sir, that other commodities are the peculiar product of different countries, and that there is no danger of losing our other trade by suspending it, because it depends upon the excellence of our manufactures; but that insurance may be the commodity of any country, where money and common honesty are to be found.

Germany's principal bargaining commodities with contiguous neutral nations are steel building materials, coal, and dye-stuffs.

As a market it seems to be a poor affair, the chief commodity being straw hats.

From that time until now, the commodity has been a political shuttlecock, the object of government bounties and the subject of taxation.

Certain commodities were very scarce Rebecca remembers drinking coffee made of okra seed, that had been dried and parched.

The greatest commodity on this river is salt, with which all the provinces and cities which have communication with its water are supplied.

The commodities of these islands are wheat, barley, sugar, wine, and Canary-birds, which are much esteemed for the sweetness and variety of their song.

Moreover, although material commodities are objective realities in themselves, and in many of their properties, they are not objective realities in their property as wealth.

Prior to 1817, the commodity was, for much of the time, a crown monopoly and, for the remainder of the time, a monopoly concession to private companies.

12 Metaphors for  commodities