13 Metaphors for companionships

In a life spent in such profound seclusion, so remote from the busy interests of the world, this beloved companionship had become a necessity to her.

Having decided that companionship and conscientious parenthood are the only true grounds for marriage, if the relation brings out the worst characteristics of each party, or if the home atmosphere is unwholesome for children, is not the very raison d'être of the union wanting, and the marriage practically annulled?

This close companionship with her was not only the greatest enjoyment of my young years, but was the greatest of benefits for my whole life.

The meeting between himself and Venetia was a very sad one, and yet her companionship was a great solace.

Suitable companionship would be a great advantage to her in this regard, and he fancied that Cicely Drane would be as congenial and helpful a chum, and Mrs. Drane as unobjectionable a matronly adviser, as could be found.

Companionship with girls of my own age was a new experience, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Companionship is a powerful promoter of assimilation.

The companionship of the mares was a bodiless nothing compared with the hope of feeling that hand again, hearing that voice, and knowing that all troubles, all worries were ended for ever.

But, of course silent companionship is the greatest boon of all.

But there are other times and other moods in which companionship is a nuisance, and solitude the only thing to be desired.

He felt that her indifference to seeing the glories of Niagara and the sublimities of the White Mountains was caused by his companionship not being her heart's choice (which was all he knew about it!), and the idea gave him angry pain and a passionate desire to win her in spite of all.

Companionship and sympathy between dog and master is the beginning and end of the whole business, and there is a moral obligation between them which ought never to be strained.

His companionship was an unexpected pleasure.

13 Metaphors for  companionships