90 Metaphors for company

[Footnote: The Ohio Company was the greatest of the companies.

The hostess too declares it "impossible for mankind ever to be happy and great, until, like herself and her friends," her company are "all soul!"

Moore, after the publication of this drama, wrote in his "Diary": "I breakfasted in the morning at Rogers's, to meet the new poet, Mr. Taylor, author of 'Philip van Artevelde': our company, besides, being Sydney Smith and Southey.

In the same manner each company is a team of two or more platoons; each platoon a team of two or more squads; and last, but not least, each squad is a team of eight players.

"Sir, "If you are at leisure for an hour, your company will be a great obligation to "Yr. most humble sev't.

Meanwhile the Company had been advertising, writing, canvassing, and button-holing in England, had kept a newspaper on foot, and was able to point to powerful friends in Parliament and in London mercantile circles.

The West End Railway Company is the factor which can remedy all this.

Now, however, freights were very bad and the company was nearer the rocks than he hoped the shareholders knew.

He wound up by proving that the General Equipment Company was the one concern best fitted to effect the improvement.

Three troope of horse, ten Companies of foote Are enterd now the Port. Leid.

Cicero here says that he is himself closely connected with the partners in the company for collecting the pasture-dues (scriptura) of the province, "not only because that company as a body is my client, but also because I am very intimate with most of the individual partners.

The company were about seven women besides our hostess, and only three young, the others verging on forty; and all the men were husbands, whom the wives spoke of as "Mr."

I'm under no obligations for your hospitality, however, because my company is an advantage to you.

That there were other troubles in Nueva Ecija is shown by the following statement: "On January 7, 1899, the commissioner of Aguinaldo's treasury sent to collect contributions of war in Nueva Ecija Province reported that the company stationed in San Isidro had become guerillas under command of its officers and opposed his collections, stating that they were acting in compliance with orders from higher authority."

But see the mischief; many men, knowing that merry company is the only medicine against melancholy, will therefore neglect their business; and in another extreme, spend all their days among good fellows in a tavern or an alehouse, and know not otherwise how to bestow their time but in drinking; malt-worms, men-fishes, or water-snakes, Qui bibunt solum ranarum more, nihil comedentes, like so many frogs in a puddle.

Company a sole comfort, and an only remedy to all kind of discontent, is their sole misery and cause of perdition.

When company cameand Mrs. Markham was not inhospitablethe east room, where the bed stood, was opened; and if the company, as was sometimes the case, chanced to be Richard's friends, she used the west room across the hall, where the chocolate-colored paper and Daisy's picture hung, and where, upon the high mantel, there was a plaster image of little Samuel, and two plaster vases filled with colored fruit.

The Dutch East India Company was a powerful body, and largely dictated the maritime policy of the country.

If a whole company are gamesters, play must cease; for there is nothing to be won.

And then came the equally nateral answer, "The Fruiterers' Company is a going to send all the werry best of it to the LORD MARE?"

I rode alone all the remainder of the day; and it was my unspeakable happiness that I was alone, since I could no longer be with him; for I can hardly conceive what other company would not then have been an encumbrance.

The Consolidated Provident Savings Company was a popular institution in Marlborough.

He said that bad company had been his ruin: that by following their example he had destroyed a fine constitution; that in his distress his bottle companions had all forsaken him; they could not bear the thought of death.

The Company was a living thing.

Company is, in itself, better than solitude, and pleasure better than indolence: "Ex nihilo nihil fit," says the moral, as well as the natural, philosopher.

90 Metaphors for  company