19 Metaphors for competition

The statement that competition is not an effective regulator of railroads often is misunderstood to mean that it in no way acts on rates.

Competition is the life of trade, you know.

Moreover, when competition is the rule of valuation, it, like all valuations, partakes of the quality of those choosingwise or foolish, good or evil.

Like private property, competition is not the universal feature of our present system, but it is the most general and characteristic method of valuation, of price fixing, and of trade.

The active competition that goes on in our streets is not the way to it, unless negatively, by way of disgust and exhaustion.

But where the number is small, combination presents itself as possible, and in so much as the competition is fiercer, the direct motive to such combination is stronger.

Selfish competition, overreaching tyranny, the temper which fawns and clings as long as it is down, and when it has risen, kicks over the stool by which it climbedthese and the other 'works of the flesh' are the works of the average plant, as far as it can practise them.

It is in this realm undoubtedly that competition is such a factor of rapid advance; but we forget that the food of what the best men have ever considered the best life, is not limited or divisible; but like the light and air is undiminished how many soever share it.

Yet nearly all men are of one mind that competition is a good thing in most industries, those that are thought of as supplying "the general public."

New Hampshire says: "Full and fair competition in the trades and industries is an inherent and essential right of the people, and should be protected against all monopolies and conspiracies which tend to hinder or destroy."

In either case competition actual or potential is the fundamental principle by which prices have to be regulated.

In America, where internal competition is still keener and speculation more rife, it has been lately calculated that ninety-five per cent, of those who enter business "fail of success."

Competition is an essentially economic method as contrasted with the legal and personal methods above and later described, because it is impersonal and reducible to a rule of value.

The pot's still a-boiling, and competition is the eternal fire under it.

For when we have realized that the game is not worth the candle, when no one desires to commit aggression, the competition in armaments will have become a bad nightmare of the past. SIR MAX WAECHTER It is generally admitted that the present condition of Europe is highly unsatisfactory.

Monopoly is believed by the public to be wrong in such cases, and competition to be the normal and right condition of trade.

Competition is the battle of the strongest, the quickest, the meanest!

The competition which exists in the ecclesiastical realm is almost always cutthroat competition; it destroys property and crowds out rivals with merciless purpose.

Competition is no more a law of nature than is hate.

19 Metaphors for  competition