32 Metaphors for complaint

It is hoped that her complaint is dropsy, but more information on this point shall be given in our next Number.

~The Complaint of an Officer~ O Heaven above, before whose light Revealed is every deed and thought, To thee I cry.

Guiraut de Bornelh's complaints that refinement was vanishing and that nobles were growing hard-hearted and avaricious soon became common-places in troubadour poetry.

His case was in the distinctive manner a complication, and the complaint under which he really succumbed, was hereditary suicidal mania.

'All the complaints which are made of the world are unjust,' iv.

I have received a decree in which I am told that my complaint against the Squire Wenzel Tronka is a piece of impertinent mischief-making.

The chief complaint to which they are subject is a mild form of ophthalmia, with which I once saw three-fourths of the natives about the settlement affected in one or both eyes; they themselves attributed this affection to the lurgala, or cashew-nut, then in season, the acrid oil in the husk of which had reached their eyes. BURIAL CEREMONIES.

Complaint was sin; resistance was ruin.

Complaint is a speech seeking to move the pity of the hearers.

The bitter and often true complaints made by workmen that women have stolen their trade, that having learnt it, well or ill, they are scabs all the time in their acceptance of lower wages and worse conditions, relatively much worse conditions, and that they are often strike-breakers when difficulties arise, form a sad commentary upon the men's own short-sighted conduct.

Returning home he was met by the schoolmaster of the village, who inquired after his health, "I am very poorly," replied the farmer, "my landlord tells me my complaint is Humphry Windsor.

" Her only complaints were a patient "Isn't it hard?" when a new billow had covered her from head to foot, crushed her pitilessly against the shrouds, and nearly smothered her.

In the same district a German officer was billeted with a famous Flemish poet; the officer behaved courteously, was treated with consideration, and allowed himself to talk freely: his complaint was the misdeeds of his soldiers.

The only complaint I heard him make of the rules of the yachting at Cowes, was the want of some restriction as to vessels entering shallow water, by which omission a yacht with a light draught of water is enabled sometimes to draw ahead of her competitors by simply hugging the land out of the full swing of the tide, while others are forced, from their deeper draught of water, to struggle against its full force.

The complaint was a sarcocele, which Johnson bore with uncommon firmness, and was not at all frightened while he looked forward to amputation.

The complaint which thus suddenly terminated his life, in his seventy-first year, was the Angina Pectoris.

The complaints of the Norman prince were thenceforth heard with great coldness by the council; and Calixtus confessed, after a conference which he had the same summer with Henry, and when that prince probably renewed his presents, that, of all men whom he had ever yet been acquainted with, he was, beyond comparison, the most eloquent and persuasive.

He laughed and added: "Patriciabut you don't know her droll way of putting thingssays that the only rational complaint I can advance against her is her habit of rushing into a hospital every month or so and having a section or two of her person removed by surgeons.

The ever recurring complaint of employers is the scarcity of good men, especially of men able to exercise discretion in positions of responsibility.

and I, the case seemed hopeful, for we had confidence in the road and believed all would have power to weather difficulties, but the poor womenit is hard to say what complaints and sorrows were not theirs.

"Immoderate grief is mute: complaint is a struggle for consolation.

I shall abide by your opinion,I understan' you to say distinc'ly, her complaint is not ketchin'?and urge upon Miss Darley to fulfil her dooties to a sufferin' fellow-creature at any cost to myself and my establishment.

But it requires very little reflection to see that this complaint is really a commendation.

Maj. C. said that these complaints were a fair specimen of the cases that came up daily, save that there were many more frivolous and ridiculous.

All your sufferingsall your complaints, which, with so much right, drove your forefathers to take up arms, are but slight grievances in comparison with those immense deep wounds, out of which the heart of Hungary bleeds!

32 Metaphors for  complaint