13 Metaphors for concealments

Therefore, the whole question that we have to consider is whether the concealment of political money-transactions, the purchase of peerages, the payment of election expenses, is a kind of concealment that falls under any of the three classes I have mentioned as those in which human custom and instinct does permit us to conceal.

"This comes of our clandestine m. Our very life is a falsehood; concealment is tortureand degradation.

Concealment of the opinions of the physician as to the patient's chances of life, and not the specific deception of the patient, is the object of these answers.

But the strongest desire for concealment can never justify a lie as a means of concealment; and concealment at the cost of a lie becomes a sin through the means employed for its securing.

They knew that since they could not withstand their enemies, concealment was the only way to procure their safety; and, therefore, they took down the huts that were built for the two Englishmen, and drove their flocks of goats together with their own at the bower, to the old cave in the valley, leaving as little appearance of inhabitants as possible; and then posted themselves, with all their force, at the plantation of the two men.

Whatever ought to be concealed, should be concealed, if concealment is a possibility without sinning.

Concealment for the mere purpose of concealment may be in the realm of positive dutyin the sight of God and for the sake of our fellows.

If, therefore, in the course of his testimony, he declares that he received five dollars for his share in a certain transaction, when in reality he received five hundred dollars, his concealment of the fact that he received a hundred times as much as he admits having received, is practically a lie, and is culpable as such.

The concealment was an error, but it is impossible to blame either of you for it.

Dr. Thornwell has no hesitation in distinguishing when concealment is right concealment, and when concealment is wrong because intended to deceive.

Concealment is a prime duty of man; as truly a duty as truth-speaking, or chastity, or honesty.

The concealment was certainly an intentional fraud, for my aunts have eyes like other people, and I am every day told, that nothing but blindness can escape the influence of my charms.

Concealment which is for the purpose of deception, is one thing; concealment which is only for the purpose of concealment, but which is sure to result in deception, is quite another thing.

13 Metaphors for  concealments