13 Metaphors for contracts

But these are not burning books in the sense in which the Social Contract was a burning book.

A contract was a contract, though orally made; she could hold him yet a little.

A contract is an agreement between two or more parties, containing on the one hand an offer and on the other an acceptance.

This fusion produced that popular absolutism of which the Social Contract was the theoretical expression, and Jacobin supremacy the practical manifestation.

Each contract of each particular state is but a clause in the great primæval contract of eternal society, linking the lower with the higher natures, connecting the visible and invisible world, according to a fixed compact sanctioned by the inviolable oath which holds all physical and all moral natures, each in their appointed place.

Always to be remembered among these men of power are Johann Wier, Friedrich Spee, and notably Reginald Scot, who in his Discovery of Witchcraft, in 1584, undertook to prove that "the contracts and compacts of witches with devils and all infernal spirits and familiars, are but erroneous novelties and erroneous conceptions.

It has ever been my opinion that public contracts are not a legitimate source of patronage to be conferred upon personal or political favorites, but that in all such cases a public officer is bound to act for the Government as a prudent individual would act for himself.

] CONTRACT OF HANKAS (The fourth monument of the reign of Marduk-idin-akhe is a black basalt stone of nearly the same size and arrangement as the preceding.

Let me remind you first that this contract of marriage is the most important, probably, in the whole life of the man and woman who undertake it; that it concerns human personality as perhaps no other relation in the world does, so deeply, so closely, so intimately, that those who enter into it are very near either to heaven or hell.

You cannot give her less because you care less for them; but how can she expect more?" "I know, Enva, that the marriage contract here is an open bargain and sale, as among my race it is generally a veiled one.

The contract is "Actum in civitate suana."

The numerous contracts for the sales of women now in the British Museum may possibly be records of these transactions.]

It is very easily lengthened or shortened when the leather contracts or stretches and this is also a great comfort.

13 Metaphors for  contracts