5 Metaphors for cools

Chaste were his cellars, and his shrivel board The grossness of a city feast abhorr'd; His cooks with long disuse their trade forgot; 620 Cool was his kitchen, though his brains were hot.

Then I saw that the cool, drawling manner, the level voice, were in reality the highest art.

The Cool of the Evening, being a Circumstance with which Holy Writ introduces this great Scene, it is poetically described by our Author, who has also kept religiously to the Form of Words, in which the three several Sentences were passed upon Adam, Eve, and the Serpent.

In this way we were pumped up to the surface, and came up as cool as cucumbers, instead of being drenched with perspiration.

The clever officer, who had played his part so well, was as cool as ice.

5 Metaphors for  cools