7 Metaphors for counterparts

The counterpart of this attainment of independence on the part of things or creation is history as the return of the world to its source.

In Belgium, their German counterpart, the Landsturm, were the monitors of a journey that I made.

Her taste and fine manipulations were but counterparts of qualities of the heartan organ to which the pale face, with its delicate lines and the clear liquid eyes, was a suitable index.

His feminine counterpart was the goddess SEKHET, and the third member of the triad of which he was the chief was NEFER-TEMU.

The original was really the one which the artist designed and whose effects he studied; the counterpart was merely a resultant accident with which he was not especially concerned.

The counterpart of this whole scene was wantingthe understanding mind; that mirror in which the whole was to be reflected; and when this arose it was a new birth for creation itself, that it became known,an image in the mind of a conscious being.

"Counterparts" is a novel of ideal life; it is the land of one's dreams and one's delights; its dwellers are more real to us than the men and women into whose eyes we look upon the street, they haunt us and enrapture us, they breathe about us an atmosphere of gentle and delicious melancholy like the soft azure haze spread over meadow and hills by the faint south-wind.

7 Metaphors for  counterparts