3 Metaphors for cracker

And, amongst them days of gladness, ain't there one that stands alone, When yer had yer first fire-crackersjest one bunch, but all yer own? Don't yer 'member how yer envied bigger chaps their fuss and noise, 'Cause yer Ma had said that crackers wasn't good fer little boys? Do yer 'member how yer teased her, morn and eve and noon and night,

He had often had crackers in his mouth, but preceding ones had proved nourishing and non-explosive; whereas, this cracker was quite the reverse.

This cracker of jaws is a lake, I'm told, A lake in the U.S.A., And first the Indians, the red sort, owned it, But later to Uncle Sam they loaned it, Who afterwards made no bones, but boned it

3 Metaphors for  cracker