48 Metaphors for crowned

The hundred thousand crowns you lent the City Towards the setting forth of the last Navy Bound for the Islands, was a good then, which I ballance with your ill now.

They gave it to him as a present in the temple, to remind him not to come again, and though the crown was pure gold, and Peachey was starving, never would Peachey sell the same.

No other crown Is aught but thorns on my poor woman's brow.

These crowns Are all your owne in your possession, So are the maydes.

The British Crown, Parliament, and people were a unit in wishing to keep woodland and prairie for the sole use of their own merchants, as regions tenanted only by Indian hunters and French trappers and traders.

They would have it, that a crown is a prince's birthright, and ought at least to be as well secured to him and his posterity as the inheritance of any private man: In short, that he has the same title to his kingdom which every individual has to his property.

Even to-day the crown is probably the largest land-owner in the kingdom, but at the time of the Conquest, and for many years afterward, he certainly owned an hundredfold as much, and that gave him enough revenue for his purse; of course, in those days, money for such things as education, highways, police, etc., was entirely out of their mind.

Then take her, you deserve her were shee better, Making your Crown and life to be her Debter.

SCEPTRE, the symbol of royal power, power to command and compel, originally a club, the crown being the symbol of dominion.

Then, howe'er crowns and coronets be rent, A virtuous populace may rise the while, And stand a wall of fire around their much-loved isle.

The crown of it all is The Wedding.

Beyond, a gentle slope leads into shade Of mighty trees, to bend whose eminent crown Is the prime labor of the pettish winds, That now in lighter mood are twirling leaves Over my feet, or hurrying butterflies,

The crown was Lot's by right, even as Sichelm proclaimed, since Lot was the king's nephew, and there was no other heir.

The body in both is but the shrine of an indwelling soul, the instrument and agent of a faith-directed will; and the crown of their conflict is no wreath of laurel or of parsley.

Our crown is yonder,Ridley, see! Be strong and play the man!

Her crown is Love.

Offer'd fayrely; But knwe, syr, could you winne her to your wishes, She shall not lyke a bondemaide come to ye; Fyve hundred crownes are tenderd downe all redy (Unknowne to her) for her free liberty.

The crown is often the sovereign crown of the country in which the picture is placed: thus, in the Papal States, she often wears the triple tiara: in Austria, the imperial diadem.

The prediction was publicly uttered here, two centuries ago, and printed, that a day would come when "those that were branded before for Huguenots and Lollards and Hereticks, they should be thought the only men to be fit to have crowns upon their heads, and independent government committed to them"; and the crown that shone with superior lustre was progress in things that elevate and adorn humanity.

The crown of Alexander's constructive work was the building of Alexandria in Egypt.

If we had met this nameless sailor we should have found him perhaps a very ordinary man, with plenty of failings, doubtless, like the rest of us, and without any idea that he had in him the priceless jewel beside which crowns and coronets are empty baubles.

There was Shinkul of Sugsar, the Khakán of Chín, whose crown was the starry heavens, and Kámús of Kushán, a hero of high renown and wondrous in every deed.

The crown of rejoicing was hersat last!

She was a noble creature-but ye drew Your nets of shameful treachery too close About her, till, in wild despair, cut off From all escape else, she o'erleaped your snares, And made thy crown, the kingly ornament Of royal heads, to be the awful tool Of her unnatural crime!

That is why he is often called the 'Golden-crowned Thrush,' though he is not a Thrush at all, but one of the American Warblers, and the crown is more the color of copper, than like the gold on the Golden-crowned Kinglet's head.

48 Metaphors for  crowned