35 Metaphors for cutting

"The cuts are all healin' up.

The first cut be thine: farewell! Cor.

He was, through life, a celebrated 'cutter,' and Brummell's cut was as much admiredby

These Cuts may be welcome illustrations of the olden magnificence of the City of London.

A cut was so many threads.

"No cut to unkindness," as the saying is, a frown and hard speech, ill respect, a browbeating, or bad look, especially to courtiers, or such as attend upon great persons, is present death: Ingenium vultu statque caditque suo, they ebb and flow with their masters' favours.

The cut of the French cook above mentioned is a modern composition; and indeed some of the excerpts from Ben Jonson and other writers are of an extravagant and hyperbolical cast,better calculated to amuse an audience than to instruct the student.

("Comic Cuts" is the stately Summary of War Intelligence issued daily from Olympus.)

" "A secret cut into is only half a secret, and" "Ah! ah!

The third Cut is the Monkey House, of substantial iron-work, with dormitories and winter apartments in the rear.

The third Cut is the Aviary for small and middle-sized birds, at the north-eastern corner of the Garden.

A deep cut on the shoulder was his only injury, and, curiously enough, our portmanteaus, with the exception of a broken strap, were unharmed.

The next teeth cut are the four incisors of the upper jaw.

Your wood cut is a rueful Lignum Mortis.

The round cut, if it frames a full throat, is also an effective style for sloping shoulders.

After the general description, in the original tract, the different sections or parts of the dial, 73 in number, are still further explained, and illustrated by 17 plates, besides a vertical section, of which last our Cut is a copy.

Directly after lunch we set forward, and as the road on leaving Uri takes a long bend of some miles to the right to a point where the Haji Pir River is crossed, and then sweeps back along its right hank to a spot almost opposite the dâk bungalow, we thought that a short cut down to the water, which from our height seemed quite insignificant, and thence up to the road on the other side, would be a desirable stroll.

But the cut, perhaps, was a more serious matter.

These cuts of meat are the most nutritious ones and by long, slow cooking can be made as acceptable as the more expensive cuts of meat; they are best boiled or braised.

The Epilogue of Faustus might be written across his tombstone: Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight, And burned is Apollo's laurel

"Deep," "cutting," "high," used at one moment of bodies at another of tones, are homonyms; "honourable" and "honest" are synonyms.

"Cut!" was the answer.

The first cut be thine: farewell! Cor.

"I think," said Simmonds, who, if he possessed an imagination, never permitted it to be suspected, "that those little cuts on the hand are merely an accident.

He had been stunned by the shock of his fall, and his leg was badly bruised by the weight of his horse; but the cut on his forehead was a mere trifle, and the bleeding had already ceased.

35 Metaphors for  cutting