26 Metaphors for deals

The matter of literaturethat part of total experience which it deals withis life; and, to confine attention to imaginative literature where alone the question of idealism arises, the matter with which imaginative literature deals is the inward and spiritual order in man's breast as distinguished from the outward and physical order with which science deals.

"Let me tell you, madam," cried the rector of the parish, looking around him pleasantly, and who was pretty constant, and always a welcome visitor in the family, "that a great deal of money is a very good thing in itself, and that a great many very good things may be done with it.

A great deal of the poem is now very tiresome reading.

You 's had 'casion ter deal wid 'im once, so he knows w'at ter expec'.

Only a deal's a deal."

The second deals with British folk-lore, and is racy of the soil.

Many and many of the best men we have known have been old men, but no one looks at men's progress without feeling that a great deal of what passes for growth in goodness as men grow old is in reality only the deadening of the pride of life from the dying-down of the life itself.

He's thought a great deal of in 'is place, I can tell you, but he ain't my sort.

A good deal of this, be it said, en passant, is sheer obstinacy.

As elsewhere remarked this question is not of such vital importance for India as for England, though the dealing with it is simply a question of time.

"A great deal of what you say, Monsignor, is merely the effect of a nervous strain.

" There <i>is</i> a good deal of money in my henshow to get it back is the present problem.

No doubt every part of the story has been distorted and exaggerated in the telling; and a great deal of it may be pure invention, evolved from the inner consciousness of the slanderer.

As the baking is wholly performed by the hand, a great deal of noise is the consequence.

Now, a good deal of this refuse is the remains of imperfect cookingmasses of soddened cabbage, part of which only is eaten, and the rest stored for the pig or thrown into the ditch.

A great deal of what we hear is mere idle gossip, and the truth is often grossly exaggerated.

But whilst she was explaining what a cabinet was, Rob crept away from the window muttering, "I suppose as how I could be a policeman, but I'd a deal rather be a soldier!" XI A GIFT TO THE QUEEN "Can I see Master Roy, please?" It was Rob who spoke, and he seemed breathless with haste and importance, as he stood at the front door one cold afternoon the end of October.

A great deal of what I had read and heard had been mere hearsay, and this it was necessary to discard in order that the real facts of the case might be taken up, and the proper conclusions drawn therefrom.

a great deal to have recourse to that party; his conscience and his pusillanimity both revolted at it equally; in spite of his moral corruption, he was a sincere Catholic, and the prospect of excommunication troubled him deeply.

A great deal of his third book is a real contribution to the main process, to epic content as well as to epic manner.

A great deal of the usefulness of work is not its intrinsic value, but its value to ourselves.

If mere extension of Trade is the thing sought for, it really does not matter much, in these days of swift and international transport, whether the outlying lands with which the Trader deals or the ports through which he deals are the property of his own nation or of some other nation.

If the fortune of a private person be diminished by the weakness, or inadvertency of his ancestors, in letting leases for ever at low rents, the world lies open to his industry for purchasing of more; but the Church is barred by a dead hand; or if it were otherwise, yet the custom of making bequests to it, hath been out of practice for almost two hundred years, and a great deal directly contrary hath been its fortune.

A third person was employed as my nurse, and a great deal of quarrelling was the result of her coming.

A great deal of this talk is, however, bravado, and a great deal the mere product of thoughtlessness.

26 Metaphors for  deals