53 Metaphors for deed

This deed will be the greatest that we ever did; the glory will be to God, the service to our sovereign lord the king, the honor to ourselves, and the benefit to the state.'

We learned a lesson from all thiswe felt that not a word of kindness is ever wasted, that a simple friendly glance may cheer the spirit and warm the lonely heart, and that the slightest deed, prompted by generous sympathy, becomes a living joy in the memory of the receiver, which blesses unceasingly him who bestowed it.

Either the military ratiocination is thus, or the deed is simple lunacy.

who said, 'A deed done is a thing ended.'

I read once, in Amiel's memoirs, that the deed is only the crystallized matter of thought.

But it shall come to me upon my feet And in the thick of action, and each deed That carried shame and wrong shall be the sting That drives me higher up the steep of honor In deeds of duteous service to that Spain Who nourished me on her expectant breast, The heir of highest gifts.

The deed, O father, is that hero's and not mine.

Deed is a common noun, of the third person, singular number, neuter gender, and objective case.

Time, now that the deed was accomplishedtime, which had closed for the victim, had become instant and momentous for the slayer.

I count this thing to be grandly true: That a noble deed is a step towards God, Lifting the soul from the common clod To a purer air and a broader view.

Besides, these strange, suspicious deeds of hers These are not all her guilt.

That one good and noble deed shall be the proof that you are capable of better things.

The deed was the work of this hand.

Call the former the afficients, the latter the affections, the deeds being merely the signs or impresses of the former, as the seal, on the latter as the wax.

And those of the caravan that had escaped unhurt, met together, and asked one another, "Of what deed of ours is this the consequence?

My faither deed, puir man, when I was but a bairn of elevenhe was but thirty-twa himself.

The episode of the blowing in of the Kashmir Gate of Delhi is too well known to require description here; suffice it to say that the deed was an act of heroism almost without a parallel in the annals of the British army.

These deeds and words are the milestones in the path of progress by which Judaism reached Christianity.

This Jacopo is a monster, detested by all, and his bloody deeds have too long been a reproach to Venice.

This man, Hongi, was a most extraordinary character, and a person I had long had a great curiosity to see, his daring and savage deeds having often been the subject of conversation in New South Wales.

The deed is doneif you will have it

The father's deeds will remain the foundation of this state.

Whatever sinful deeds, O Bhima, one seeketh to achieve, depending on his courage alone, become always a source of pain.

He believes deeds of darkness to be only those sins that are committed in private, not those that are acted openly and owned.

It was never learned whether the deed was the mere wanton outrage of some blood-thirsty young braves, or the result of orders given by one of the Indian councils.

53 Metaphors for  deed