14 Metaphors for demonstration

That demonstration likewise is the best which furnishes the mind with the most ample knowledge; and this is, alone, the province of universals.

This new demonstration of feeling, there is too much reason to believe, has been produced inconsequence of the negotiation of the late treaty of annexation with Texas.

The demonstration in favour of General Dyer is practically a myth.

Demonstration based on experience, a close union of observation and thought, of fact and Idea (law)these are the requirements made by Galileo and brilliantly fulfilled in his discoveries; this, the "inductive speculation," as Dühring terms it, which derives laws of far-reaching importance from inconspicuous facts; this, as Galileo himself recognizes, the distinctive gift of the investigator.

If half what we hear of Prussian vandalism as displayed at the siege of Strasbourg is true, "Demonstration" is a very appropriate term for the thing.

The demonstration was a trick to draw off the Bombay fighting ships.

"But can't they see how much more important it was that the demonstration should be a success than that two lovers should meet at a certain hour?" The word "lovers" had slipped inadvertently into her mind; and no sooner had she really recognized it, looked at it, so to speak, fairly in the face, than she rejected it with scorn.

Add too, that the demonstration of particulars is almost the demonstration of infinites; of universals the demonstration of finites; and of infinites there can be no science.

He must therefore assert also that demonstration and deliberation are neither a statement of a case, nor a portion of such a statement.

" One demonstration of this "Christian attention" had lately been the closing of the African Church,of which, as has been stated, most of the leading revolutionists were members,on the ground that it tended to spread the dangerous infection of the alphabet.

Urge her to keep the girl occupied, and to give her much out-door life, and to teach her that pronounced demonstrations of affection are not good form between young girls.

The only public demonstration of principle that we have seen is an emblematic bell drawn upon a wagon by a single horse, with a man to lead him, and a boy to make a nuisance of the tinkling symbol as it moves along.

The demonstration that the Annals of Spring and Autumn can only be explained in this way was the achievement some thirty-five years ago of Otto Franke, and through this discovery Confucius's work, which the old sinologists used to describe as a dry and inadequate book, has become of special value to us.

The occasional demonstrations that still remained of their former enterprising life were the starts and convulsions of disease, not the meditated and consistent exertions of a mind in health.

14 Metaphors for  demonstration