23 Metaphors for departments

The infant department is the best in Europe,I believe the best in the world.

To J.Y. the most interesting department of this institution was the school of industry for poor children, in which at that time a hundred boys were clothed and educated.

They guarded their own rights as States and the rights of the people by the very limitations which they incorporated into the Federal Constitution, whereby the different departments of the General Government were checks upon each other.

The poetical department is almost a sinecure, consisting of mere summary decisions and a list of quotations.

But if our executive departments were mere committees of the legislaturelike the English cabinet, for examplethis independence could not possibly be maintained; and the loss of it would doubtless entail upon us evils far greater than those which mow flow from want of leadership in our legislatures.

Bogert & Co. now employed a hundred lads; and Bog's department of labor was the general planning of operations, and the receiving and disbursement of the moneyand a very nice and agreeable department it was.

The remaining department is the executive or administrative, and in all forms of governmentthe republican as well as in tyrannythe primary element of administration is force, and even in this department conscience and intelligence are indispensable to its direction.

The period seems to have arrived for determining the question whether this Department shall become a permanent and ever-increasing charge upon the Treasury, or shall be permitted to resume the self-sustaining policy which had so long controlled its administration.

But the religious energy of Islam was not exclusively devoted to the development and practice of the doctrine of duties; at the same time this ethical department, in spite of its dependency upon Christian and Jewish ideas, remains its most original achievement: we have pursued the subject at some length, because its importance is often overlooked in the course of attempts to estimate the connection between Christianity and Islam.

In the same way it may be shown that the departments in which women have equalled men have been the departments in which they have had equal training, equal encouragement, and equal compensation,as, for instance, the theatre.

The theurgic department of Mysticismunfortunately but too commonseems to us always to have been (as it certainly was in neo-Platonism) the despairing return to that ceremonialism which it had begun by shaking off, when it was disappointed in reaching its high aim by its proper method.

To most politicians, as well as the public, the Native Department remained a secret service, though, except as to a sum of £7,000, the Governor, in administering Native affairs, was dependent for supplies on his ministers, and they on Parliament.


The grossness of this injustice is all the more apparent since the Supreme Court, in the Alabama case referred to, has declared the legislative and political department of the government to be the only power which can right a political wrong.

Its excellent literary department is a feature.

As every one knows, or at least as all intelligent people know, the special department in which Gibberne has gained so great and deserved a reputation among physiologists is the action of drugs upon the nervous system.

Patty, whose special department was the candy kitchen, was dressed as the Queen of Hearts who made the renowned tarts.

Because the Circulation Department of the Woman's Journal is the tangible bond which holds us all together and makes one big family of all who work for the movement and all who are in any way connected with the paper, I am going to try to take the readers of these pages into the Journal offices and let them see the processes of the department.

In the same way it may be shown that the departments in which women have equalled men have been the departments in which they have had equal training, equal encouragement, and equal compensation,as, for instance, the theatre.

The Science and Art Department has been fortunate in securing from the St. Maurice and Dr. Meymar collections a great many specimens which are well worth examination.

2, A department (546) of North France, fronting the English Channel, between Seine-Inférieure (S.) and Pas-de-Calais (N.); one of the most prosperous agricultural and manufacturing districts of France; AMIENS (q. v.) is the chief town.

The Artistic department will be in charge of Henry L. | | Stephens, whose celebrated cartoons in VANITY FAIR placed | | him in the front rank of humorous artists, assisted by | | leading artists in their respective specialties.

There he found the hardware department, and prominent among the hardware were the gun racks.

23 Metaphors for  departments