30 Metaphors for departures

In my judgment any departure from that principle would be a serious error fraught with danger to the general peace of the world and to the recognized law of nations, since it could mean nothing less than the primacy of the Great Powers and the acknowledgment that because they possessed the physical might they had a right to control the affairs of the world in times of peace as well as in times of war.

There is certainty no more unpardonable fallacy than that of "Bible Christians," who assume that the Church in the Apostolic age had reached its full expansion and expression, and therefore in respect of polity, liturgy, doctrinal statement and discipline must be regarded as an immutable type for all ages and countries; from which all departure is necessarily a corruption.

Truthfulness toward men is represented as a duty toward God; and, on the other hand, any departure from it is a departure from God.

A hasty departure and bad roads have been the causebut as, happily, we are yet in time to profit by this bark, wilt do us the favor to look into our authority to pass?

"Oh, no; the departure of my mother for India was a trial he never recovered, and the intelligence that his only son, a noble and gallant officer, perished with the crew of the Leander, finally broke his heart; he never held up his head again, and died a very few months afterwards.

Todd's departure was a blow to the country; but Clark's was a far more serious calamity.

The sudden departure of this man Hobart, and the fact that no young children were in the family, were important items to consider.

The sudden departure of the troops was the sign for the commencement of a state of insecurity and anxiety which quickly merged into one of danger and fear, soon to be replaced by a state of war.

I am sure I do not know how I can ever tell it so quickly, but I will do my best, and you must have a little patience; for though I am not old, I am not young, and Nino's departure for Paris was a great shock to me, so that I do not like to remember it, and the very thought of it sickens me.

The departure of Robin Oig was an incident in the little town, in and near which he had many friends male and female.

It was necessary to proceed; the first night after Mochuda's departure from Rahen the place that he came to was a cell called Drum Cuilinn [Drumcullen], on the confines of Munster, Leinster, and Clanna Neill, but actually within Clanna Neill, scil.:in the territory of Fearceall in which also is Rahen.

Mother and daughter were shifted about with almost monthly regularity from one house to the other; and, though they tried to make themselves useful in every capacity except that of a servant, they could not disguise the conviction that their departure was an event a great deal more welcome than their coming.

His life went out not as the lightning's flash, that leaves the deeper darkness behind, nor as the setting sun, that has the night before and after, but his departure from life was only the entrance into eternal brightness, and leaves a radiance behind that will be a perpetual joy and consolation to his friends.

What if this departure of Yellow Handkerchief's were a sham?

Another new departure is the decision to carry eiderdown sleeping-bags inside the reindeer ones.

While the departure of Mr. Ward, under any circumstances or in any respect, from the instructions committed to him is a matter of regret, it is just to say that, although he failed to convey in his letter to General Gadsden the correct import of remarks made by me anterior to his appointment as special agent, I impute to him no design of misrepresentation.

Tom's unusual departure, before breakfast, on a fishing expedition was a suspicious circumstance.

Perhaps she died thinking her tremulous little departures were sure attractions of hell and heresy.

The departure of the children of Israel from Egypt was a general .

Your departure, in happier times, would be a subject of regret, at present I shall both envy and congratulate you when you are enabled to quit a country which promises so little security or satisfaction.

Now that the fabric has been pushed forward and there is money to spend, and I am just upon the point of vaulting in the cupola, my departure from Rome would be the ruin of the edifice, and for me a great disgrace throughout all Christendom, and to my soul a grievous sin.

One minute they crowd letters on to me, praising me up to the skies, and print pieces in the paper saying that nothing is too good for me and my departure is a public loss, and why won't I remain and be a credit to the town and a lot more like that, good and strong.

His friend's departure had indeed been to him a riddle, and believing at length that it must have originated in her caprice, he determined, whenever he had an opportunity, to revenge St. Eval by doing all in his power to torment her.

You are right, one must not weep, your departure must be a fete, for the family does not separate, it simply extends, invades, and conquers the world.

A few days after Maxwell Wyndham's departure there came an agonized letter from Mrs. Lorimer.

30 Metaphors for  departures