25 Metaphors for determinations

If public opinion could come to regard the criminal as it does the insane, the imbecile, or the ill, then a judicial determination would be the best.

Then, the other legions endeavoured, through their military tribunes and the centurions of the principal companies, to excuse themselves to Caesar, [saying] that they had never either doubted or feared, or supposed that the determination of the conduct of the war was theirs and not their general's.

But these determinations are by no means her monopoly.

Zeal in promoting our own Church views, and a determination to advance her interests and efficiency, need be no impediment to cultivating the most friendly feelings towards those who agree with us in matters which are essential to salvation and who, in their differences from us, are, I am bound to believe, as conscientious as myself.

It would seem that Marconi was not the kind of boy to produce a revolutionising invention, for he was not in the least spectacular, but, on the contrary, almost shy, and lacking in the aggressive enthusiasm that is supposed to mark the successful inventor; quiet determination was a strong characteristic of the young Italian, and a studious habit which had much to do with the great results accomplished by him at so early an age.

The determination and testing of standards of weights and measures has long been a function of government.

In action he is described as severe, peremptory, dominating, but his determinations were mighty things, not to be interfered with.

In any case, self-determination is certainly a strong element in attaining any real political freedom.

But since the significance of the Ideas is only practical, and since determinations of value are not grounds of explanation, science and metaphysics or "concept poetry" (Begriffsdichtung) must be kept strictly separate.

But reflecting that what Pindar would give for his money was a draft upon universal fame and immortality, while the statue might presently be lost, or melted down, or its identity destroyed, his final determination was in favor of the ode,a conclusion which time has justified.

All these matters we leave to the people and public authorities of the particular country to determine; and their determination, whether it be by positive action or by ascertained acquiescence, is to us a sufficient warranty of the legitimacy of the new government.

Secondly, the determination of the will is an inner necessitation, grounded in the being's own nature, not an external compulsion.

They knew that their determination to become a great Power at sea would arouse the suspicion and alarm of the English.

Thus the determination of the sphere of the state is in large part an economic question. § 5.

The determination of what and how many the national powers should be, was the work of the Constitutional Convention.

Finally, the avowed determination to secede because a Presidential election was about to be legally gained by one of the three opposing parties, after she had freely and fully joined in the contest, was an indulgence of caprice utterly incompatible with any form of government whatever.

The determination of the boundaries of the new state was the resultant of conflicting forces in operation in the European concert.

But when the line-back steer once resolved to do anything, the determination became a consuming desire.

From this prototype things, as its imperfect copies, derive the material of their possibility; all their manifold determinations are simply so many modes of limiting the concept of the highest reality, which is their common substratum, just as all figures are possible only as different ways of limiting infinite space.

"Self-determination" was not a new thought.

It remained a precept of the international creed which Mr. Wilson proclaimed while the war was still in progress, for he had declared, in an address delivered on February 11, 1918, before a joint session of the Senate and House of Representatives, that "self-determination is not a mere phrase.

Lord John's determination to carry through this measure himself, rather than to leave it in the hands of others, was afterwards the cause of the first defeat of the Whig Government.

The fundamental determination of matter (of a somewhat which is to be the object of the external senses) is motion, for it is only through motion that these senses can be affected, and the understanding itself reduces all other predicates of matter to this.

I announced my intention of going out; and, as with me an inflexible determination was always the auxiliary of the most capricious fancy, I did go.

The actual determination of the width of the band is a simple problem, when the commercial nature of the country is known.

25 Metaphors for  determinations