99 Metaphors for devils

Flem Certainly, a Tontine isa Tontine is(helplessly) What the devil is a Tontine? Peacock (smugly triumphant)

"Where the devil is the carriage?" said Marmaduke, loudly.

In all the plays the devil is a favorite character and the butt of every joke.


I have one sitting by me just nowfair-faced, blue-eyed, dark-haired, sweet eighteenshe little thinks the devil is so near her!"and a great deal more in the same silly, post-Byronic strain.

in lib. 2. de anima, stiffly denies it; substantiae separatae and intelligences, are the same which Christians call angels, and Platonists devils, for they name all the spirits, daemones, be they good or bad angels, as Julius Pollux Onomasticon, lib. 1. cap.

This gave Occasion to Mr. Dryden's Reflection, that the Devil was in reality Milton's Hero.

The devil himself was the first inventor of it: Inventum est medicina meum, said Apollo, and what was Apollo, but the devil?

But what the devil is the trouble?" "Something that you can't make me feel funny over.

"Busy as the Devil is, not the smallest!

Water-devils are those Naiads or water nymphs which have been heretofore conversant about waters and rivers.

As the devil is a deceiver, and hath the knowledge of the virtue of herbs, so he did show the virtue of this herb, that by the means thereof they might see their imaginations and visions that he hath represented unto them.

"The devil himself is no match at all for you!"

"Where the devil is FRITZ?" said BILL.

The devil is no respector of persons.

But where the devil is the fellow steering to?

The Devil was his friend, he said.

What the devil are the usual reasons?

But where the devil is the fleet gone?

In "The Merry Devil of Edmonton" also is the following line

'Tis true the Devil is incognito at the time and is called "der Fremde" or "the Stranger"; it is only towards the conclusion of the piece that he discovers himself to be Satan....

But who the devil was that woman?

" "What the devil are your sub-prefects to me?

(And you will say that "devil" is not a particle too rough a term, when we come to tell what it is he "secretes.")

Then how the devil are four reins to go into three places between four fingers, eh?

99 Metaphors for  devils