10 Metaphors for diplomacies

"Secret diplomacy, the bane of the past, is a menace from which man believed himself to be rid.

Here, at least, he felt on completely secure ground; diplomacy was his profession; what did the professors and talkers in the Chamber know of it?

"Diplomacy is the thing," said Peter to himself.

But I know that our diplomacy is all a-tangle.

They are onerous, without a doubt, but remember that as you go further east, all diplomacy becomes a matter of barter.

Secret diplomacy was anathema.

Diplomacy, in fact, was the only field in which great talents were developed and rewarded outside the realm of literature.

Russian diplomacy is a subterraneous power, slippery like a snake, burrowing like the mole; and when it has to come out in broad daylight, it watches to the left when it looks to the right.

Diplomacy, it appears, is the only branch of British sport that has succeeded in escaping the taint of professionalism.

Secret diplomacy is an utter failure.

10 Metaphors for  diplomacies