16 Metaphors for disappearances

The identification was disputed; the disappearance of Morgan was then a matter of politics, and the anti-masons, headed by Thurlow Weed, originated the saying, "It's a good enough Morgan for us until you produce the live one," which afterwards become current political slang in the form, "It's a good enough Morgan until after election.

As the inexplicable disappearance of Leichhardt was then exciting much interest in Australia, search for the lost expedition was to form one of its chief duties.

"His disappearance was the signal for fresh alarm in the minds of those left behind.

My disappearance from the stage must have been a heavy blow to my father and mother, who had urged me to return in 1866 and were quite certain that I had a great future.

The new type of clergyman would think, on the other hand, that their disappearance is an unmixed blessing.

The disappearance of the enemy was an astounding event to them, and they could scarcely realize it.

To Argyle the disappearance of the royalists was a subject of joy.

Monsieur Vigneville looked in at no more doors or windows; but if the disappearance of this symptom was a favorable sign, others came to notice which were especially bad,for instance, wakefulness.

No one knew the man, and his disappearance, though a profound mystery, was not an uncommon thing in a new country.

Whether he had been disposed of by the emissaries of the King or by the leading men of the city is not known; his disappearance remains a mystery.

The disappearance of Lucy Ransom did not long remain a secret; it rang through the town, and was accompanied by all sorts of rumors.

"The disappearance of the property is the first intimation which she receives of the contemplated change in her condition."

The disappearance for three centuries of the national consciousness in Servia and Bulgaria was not the sole work of the Moslem invader; a more fatal blight to the national languages and culture were the Greek bishops and clergy who conducted their churches and schools.

The chronicles of the time tell us that the mysterious disappearance of Sir Marmaduke de Chavasse was but a nine days' wonder in that great world which lies beyond the boundaries of sea-girt Thanet.

It is at least an open question whether the disappearance of this feeling would be a mark of progress or of degeneration.

The total disappearance of the body is an unanswerable argument against it.

16 Metaphors for  disappearances