7 Metaphors for distrusting

There was no exaggeration in her declaration to the Empress Catherine of Russia, with whom at this time she was in frequent communication, that the "distrust which was shown by all around them was a moral and continual death, a thousand times worse than that physical death which was a release from all miseries."

When desp'rate ills demand a speedy cure, Distrust is cowardice, and prudence folly.

Jesuits, carabineers, and spies lorded it; distrust was the order of the day.

This distrust is not, perhaps, the proximate cause of the strikes that now follow each other so disconcertingly, but it embitters their spirit, it prevents their settlement, and leads to their renewal.

Mutual distrusts and collisions were the inevitable consequence.

Arrogance then is the opinion that you want nothing (are deficient in nothing); but distrust is the opinion that you cannot be happy when so many circumstances surround you.

That by such remarks some incredulity is, indeed, produced, cannot be denied; but distrust is a necessary qualification of a student in history.

7 Metaphors for  distrusting