9 Metaphors for doorway

This doorway was a fitting frame for such a rustic picture as a girl in a gingham dress, and the small house itself a fitting background.

doorway, built into a garden wall, was originally the gateway of the abbey court-house.

In fact, the top of the hill was part of the crater of an extinct volcano, and was shaped like the letter G, the doorway being only a gap in the rocks, through which no bear could squeeze.

FIGURE Principal Doorway of the Long Palace at Rosaspata FIGURE Another Doorway in the Ruins of Rosaspata Most interesting of all is the structure which caught the attention of Ocampo and remained fixed in his memory.

The S. doorway is Norm, or Trans.

It must be remembered that, while a doorway of the Casa was five feet in depth, it was only four feet wide at the base and less than thirty inches at the top, so that it was something in the way of a defile and easily defensible.

I mean, of course, that this doorway is the only entrance practicable to material people.

The fine old church has some Saxon work in it, whilst the doorways and many other portions are Norman.

Then suddenly the doorway was no longer a black void.

9 Metaphors for  doorway