25 Metaphors for eagle

"I say, Ned Turgis, if the plague increases, as there is every likelihood it will, Solomon Eagle will be the only preacher left in Saint Paul's.

The archers have wounded him, so that he is glad to find shelter even with a poor maid like me; but it was easy to see my eagle had been king among birds, even as this knight is among men.

THE EAGLE AND THE COCKS There were two Cocks in the same farmyard, and they fought to decide who should be master.

And thereat shall the Eagle be our Lord, And other Peers whose names are on record; A summons to the Cuckoo shall be sent, And judgment there be given; or that intent Failing, we finally shall make accord.

Kala-kash had not asked Ted what his totem was, but supposing that the American eagle on the buttons of the boy's coat was his emblem, had carved the rampant bird upon the canoe as the boy's totem.

"Yes; and I have had far less fear for Americans since I read that book; for it showed me that there was right healthy power, artistic as well as intellectual, among them, even now-ready, when their present borrowed peacocks' feathers have fallen off, to come forth and prove that the Yankee Eagle is a right gallant bird, if he will but trust to his own natural plumage.

True enough, the Eagle was some distance from the wharf.

The eagle =lectern= is a magnificent example of brass casting.

The Eagle of Plassenburg is upI can see no more!"

Ute declared that the falcon her daughter had seen in her dream must be some noble prince, whom she would love and marry; while the two eagles were base murderers, who would eventually slay her beloved.

The eagle is a strenuous old fowl," commented Ethel Brown.

The eagle is sublime, the lion majestic, the swan graceful, the monkey pert, the bear ridiculously awkward.

They say the 'Eagle' is hoodooed and the captain knows it.

The eagle is the attendant of Vishnu, the bull of Siva, the goose of Brahma, the elephant of Indra, the tiger of Durga, the buffalo of Rama, the rat of Ganesh, the ram of Agni, the peacock of Kartikkeya, the parrot of Kama (the god of love), the fish, the tortoise and boar are incarnations of Vishnu, and the crocodile, cat, dog, crow, many trees, plants, stones, rivers and tanks are sacred.

But the American Eagle is not the Eagle that we are up against.

The double-headed eagle, the bordure bizantée, and the demilion charged with bezants, are all evident derivations from the armorial bearings of Richard, titular king of the Romans, Earl of Cornwall, &c., second son of King John.

The eagle is the universal type of keenness of vision.

The Eagle was now a mere blot on the surface of the oceana speck of blackness amid a swirl of foam, caused by the waves breaking over the ship and the reef.

The eagle, bear, lion, crow, fox, wolf, etc., are the evil principalities and powers of earth.

Both religion and honor bound him to his standards; the golden eagle which glittered in his front was the object of his fondest devotion.

When his Dogs saw the various animals being killed and eaten in turn, they said to one another, "We had better get out of this or we shall be the next to go!" THE EAGLE AND THE FOX An Eagle and a Fox became great friends and determined to live near one another: they thought that the more they saw of each other the better friends they would be.

And to Billy Woods, the Eagle meant identically the same thing, andI am sorry to sayhe began to suspect that the Eagle was really the audience to whom Miss Hugonin's friends so zealously played.

The Golden Eagle, who sat at the foot of the table, was about the same size and an equally handsome bird.

And thereat shall the Eagle be our Lord, And other Peers whose names are on record; A summons to the Cuckoo shall be sent, And judgment there be given; or that intent Failing, we finally shall make accord.

It embraced the following subjects: Peace, Temperance, the Classics, the Priesthood, the Jewish Dispensation, Was the Eagle the Babylonian and Persian Standard?

25 Metaphors for  eagle