8 Metaphors for earnings

His earning is his own surplus.

The facts, indeed, were sad enough, for Défago had a wife at Rat Portage, and his earnings were the family's sole means of support.

He was of the opinionan opinion he would not have dared to assert in her presencethat his wife's earnings were his own property; and he looked upon this stocking as a drunkard's wife might regard the saloon which absorbed her husband's wages.

At the period I commenced with, her slender earnings were the sole support of the family, including two younger sisters.

Earnings of management, payments for risk-taking and for the special knowledge and advantages associated with it, are ingredients of the gross profits of a business.

"Bold," "impudent," "audacious"; "bright," "cheerful," "animated"; "earnings," "wages," "remuneration," "short," "brief," "concise," are other examples of words, largely synonymous, from the Saxon, the Norman-French, and the Latin, respectively.

Her earnings were a good half of our income; and she saved nothing out of them.

" "His daily earnings are an important help.

8 Metaphors for  earnings