34 Metaphors for egged

He was not articulate, but occasionally he expressed an idea and the most common was that he "liked his things as he liked them"; his eggs, in other words, boiled just so long, no moreafter sixty years of inner debate on the subject he had apparently arrived at the conclusion that boiled eggs were the only kind of eggs permissiblehis life punctual and serene.

How much less was it an indication of what he would have seen in that mansion early the next morning, when there was found just outside of Agricola's bedroom door a fresh egg, not cracked, according to Honoré's maxim, but smashed, according to the lore of the voudous.

But eggs, and cream, and milk are luxuries.

Have ready some eggs broken in separate cups, and drop them carefully one at a time into the whirling water, the stirring of which must be kept up until the egg is a soft round ball.

According to Faber, the egg was a symbol of the world or megacosm, and also of the ark, or microcosm, as the lunette or crescent was a symbol of the Great Father, the egg and lunettewhich was the hieroglyphic of the god Lunus, at Heliopoliswas a symbol of the world proceeding from the Great Father.

Eggs, fowls, cherry brandy, and spirits of wine are "off," also butter, but the latter scarcity does not affect us, as we make our own in a pickle jar.

Even the egg was a token of forgiveness and friendliness.

Robins' eggs are a queer colornot just blue or quite green, but something between, all of their own.

Eggs, cooked tomatoes, marmalade, and grated nuts are all welcome additions.

Free speech was not tolerated by our frantic greenback opponents, and stale eggs with decayed cabbages hurled at the heads of Republican orators were the strongest arguments used by the General's admirers to combat our appeals for protective tariff and sound money.

Every egg is already such a centre, differing from the cells that surround it by no material elements, but by the principle of life in which its individuality consists, which is to make it a new being, instead of a fellow-cell with those that build up the body of the parent animal and remain component parts of it.

Each egg was at least three times the size of a hen's egg and they usually numbered around 30 to 35.

But an egg was to him the most delicate of all!

The mundane egg is a well-recognized symbol of the world.

"The eggs and butter are the colour of gold, the sugar is like silver or diamonds.

Three cannot get together, without naming a chairman and secretary, and a resolution is as much a consequence of such an 'organization,'I believe that is the approved word,as an egg is the accompaniment of the cackling of a hen.

The commercial "cooking-egg" is an unwholesome abomination.

In other words, when the egg is a mere mass of oil and albumen, not indicating as yet in any way the character of the future animal, and discernible only by the microscope, the distinction is indicated between the brains and the senses, between the organs of instinct and sensation and those of mere animal functions.

The egg, being a symbol not only of the resurrection, but also of the world rescued from destruction by the Noachic ark, and the lunette, or horizontal crescent, being a symbol of the Great Father, represented by Noah, the egg and lunette combined, which was the hieroglyphic of the god Lunus, at Heliopolis, was a symbol of the world proceeding from the Great Father. EGYPT.

"That is, you know, quite to a T, And sure as eggs are eggs, Men-servants in a family, Care mostly for their legs!"

The London egg is not a favourite of mine, but I was prepared to eat a dozen of them if necessary, if by so doing I could remain in the room long enough to find myself face to face with Gideon Hayle.

An egg, whipped up with wine, is often the only form in which they can take this kind of nourishment.

An egg is a higher style of being than a piece of clay which an external modeler makes into the image of a bird.

The anguinum or serpent's egg, was a congeries of small snakes rolled together, and incrusted with a shell, formed by the saliva or viscous gum, or froth of the mother serpent.

[Footnote 54: Eggs were the first course, as apples were the last, at a Roman dinner, hence the saying "ab ovo usque ad mala.

34 Metaphors for  egged