11 Metaphors for encounter

His next encounter was with Ascupart the giant, whom he made his slave.

Our first encounter with Islam shall not be a surrender!

" She canted her head a little to one side; such an encounter of personal quips was a seventh heaven to her.

None of these, however, had been effective and the encounter of that day was the first chance Jack had had to work off any of his rancor on Rob Blake's patrol.

He imagined also, in his inexperience, like the immortal Mr. Winkle, that these encounters were usually bloodless, and mere, matters of form.

These encounters indeed were mere skirmishes for the most part, and the silences and embarrassments that followed ended sooner or later in a "making up," tacit or definite, though once or twice this making up only re-opened the healing wound.

My mother always said that the encounter with death is the great turning-point in the lives of those who live on.

The encounter was a fitting sequel to the moment in the dark room when he had felt Howells move beneath his hand.

Putting aside that an encounter between me and Kromitzki might be the consequence of such a step, Aniela would have to leave her sick mother, who cannot go away from Ploszow.

The savages whom one encounters are necessarily the picked men of the race, and the observer takes no census of the multitudes who have perished in the process.

Then the fight grew most sharp, and the encounters of cruel obstinacy, and such was the overflowing of the valour of Palladius that the captain of the Helots saw he alone was worth all the rest of the Arcadians; and disdaining to fight any other sought only to join with him, which mind was no less in Palladius.

11 Metaphors for  encounter