40 Metaphors for engines

He had bought Melphomene, above the fireplace, very cheap; but her engines were clumsy compounds and she cost much to coal.

The engine and pump is a double-acting piston pump direct, without any rotary motion; with a perfect balance valve, it is balanced at all times, and hence the engine remains quiet without blocking, when at work.

These engines are magnificent samples of the most powerful express engines of the present day.

The side lever engine, however, and the oscillating engine, are the only kinds of paddle engines which have been received with wide or general favor.

Of course where heavy gradients have to be surmounted, such as those on the Midland route to Scotland, coupled engines are a necessity.

Step by step he wrung from them the rights of intermarriage and of filling offices of state; and the great engine by which this was brought about was the tribunate, the historical importance of which dates from, even though as a plebeian magistracy it may have existed before, the first secession of the plebs in 494

"This little engine was the comfort of our lives.

In general, however, marine engines are low pressure or condensing engines.

The rear guard has brought along the tail lamps, and by their powerful light we can see in what a state the engine is.

But it is the child of ingenious (innate, inborn); ingenious is the inborn power to accomplish, and engine is the result of the application of that power.

Under a paid department, the following is, in the city of Boston, Mass., the comparative cost of running the two kinds of engines, viz.: STEAM FIRE ENGINE.

But let them not think that this terrible engine of war was a danger to the peace of Europe.

A.In Messrs. Penn's 50 horse power oscillating engine, the diameter of the cylinder is 3 feet 4 inches, and the length of the stroke 3 feet.

The Brighton tank passenger engine is a good example of the former class; it has inside cylinders 17 in.

The introduction of the centrifugal pump would obviously extinguish the single acting engine, as rotative engines working at a high speed would be the most appropriate form of engine where the centrifugal pump was employed.

The engines of modern automobiles are marvels of compactnessso compact, indeed, that a seven-horse-power engine occupies much less space than an ordinary barrel.

They know that in the turning of a hand the whole cosmic engine to the remotest star may become an instrument of music or an instrument of torture.

One engine is a fac-simile of the other; yet each has its character and its peculiarities as truly as a man has.

Then follow a string of dogmas about utility, &c.; and man being a developing animal, till he decides that "there is no such thing as Nature; Nature is Art, or Art is Nature; that which is most useful is most natural, because utility is the test of Nature; therefore, a steam-engine is in fact a much more natural production than a mountain."

It was a forty-foot boat, reported Tommywho seemed of wisdom and knowledge encyclopaedicit had a big cabin forrard, the engine was a Wotherspoon, ten cylinders set V-fashion, the power a hundred horses.

The engine was a one-cylinder motor in the establishment of Messrs. Matter & Co., Rouen.

The last battering engines are philters, amulets, spells, charms, images, and such unlawful means: if they cannot prevail of themselves by the help of bawds, panders, and their adherents, they will fly for succour to the devil himself.

But let me premise that, in the greater part of these cases, and in all the more important of them, where grievous and irreparable wrong has been committed, the engine employed by these crafty and dangerous men has been the Star-Chamber.

These engines and their corresponding tackle are the chief stock-in-trade of the village machinist.

STEAM FIRE ENGINES.Portable engines for the extinguishment of fires, are an American invention, and to Messrs. A.B. & E. Latta, of Cincinnati, working on the right principles, is due the credit which they claim in their circular, as follows: "We claim to be the original and first projectors of the first successful steam fire engine in the world's history.

40 Metaphors for  engines