15 Metaphors for enterprises

Monopolistic enterprises are ipso facto quasi-public institutions. § 12.

The Libyan enterprise, undertaken on an impulse, against the opinion of Italy's allies, Austria and Germany, against the wish of England and France, is a very serious political responsibility for Italy.

Their first larger enterprise was due to hunger and the negligence of Mrs. Minchin, Mr. Maydig's housekeeper.

Enterprise, public and personal, has long been a stranger to the island.

The first enterprise of the royalists was the attack of Northampton, which was defended by Simon de Montfort, with many of the principal barons of that party; and a breach being made in the walls by Philip Basset, the place was carried by assault, and both the governor and the garrison were made prisoners.

Consequently the shareholders in a company run all the risks that industrial enterprise is heir to, and the return, if any, that comes into their pockets depends on the ability of the enterprise to earn profits over and above all that it has to pay for raw material, wages and other working expenses, all of which have to be met before the shareholder gets a penny.

A difficult enterprise is "a tough proposition," an agile wrestler, "a slippery proposition," and so forth.

The business enterprise of the gifted publisher at this time was a most noticeable thing.

A difficult enterprise is "a tough proposition," an agile wrestler, "a slippery proposition," and so forth.

Enterprises are strokes of fortune....

The whole enterprise had been a bluff conceived in the interest of the Warburtons.

The enterprise is mainly theirs.

The most laudable foreign enterprise which he undertook, was the sending of Edgar Atheling, three years before his death, into Scotland with a small army, to restore Prince Edgar, the true heir of that kingdom, son of Malcolm, and of Margaret, sister of Edgar Atheling; and the enterprise proved successful.

Some declare the Dardanelles enterprise to have been a mistake; others believe that had we not threatened the Turks there Egypt would have had to share with us the anxieties that war brings alike upon attackers and defenders.

The enterprise was a failure from the start.

15 Metaphors for  enterprises