16 Metaphors for entries

In the city of Glasgow, for example (Glasgow is one of the model cities of the world), they have made up their minds that the entries and the hallways of great tenements are public streets.

The entries were as follows: ROBERT BONNER'S b. h. Dexter.

And I saw that the entry was: "HeathMiss Elma3 dozen cabinets and negative.

g, and though the entries were merely weekly repetitions of the same string of groceries:"2 lbs.

The windows and arches are some of them short, with semicircular heads; and some of them immoderately long, and terminating like a lance; others are of the horse-shoe form, of which the entry into the north porch is the most curious specimen: in one place, (on the east side of the south transept,) we have a curious triangular arch.

A not uncommon entry in the act-books is "no levy of the fyne of 12d."

Thus the first five Latin entries in ab- are abminiculum, abelena, abiecit, absida, abies, and the last five aboleri, ab borea, abiles, aborsus, absorduum.

The last entry in Benvenuto Cellini's manuscript is the announcement of a journey made by Duke Cosmo with his whole court, including his brother, the Cardinal de Medici, to Pisa, where the latter was attacked by "a malignant fever, which in a few days put an end to his life.

Our entry into Aleppo was a fitting preliminary to our experiences during the five days we have spent here.

He went there; his entry was a triumph; his majestic and serene aspect put new heart into the people; his words made them forget all they had suffered.

The last entry was: Major-General R. Hewland, £5 5s.

His entry into the philosophy class was a red-letter day; he sported his first tall hat and smoked his first non-surreptitious cigarettes.

The entry of the new Caliph into his new capital was a solemn spectacle.

The yearly entries are mostly brief, dry records of passing events, though occasionally they become full and animated.

All the other entries were the regulation kite shape.

" Returning to Rome on September 14, the only entries I find in the journal for the first few days are, "Painting all day at home," and a short account of a soirée at the Persianis'.

16 Metaphors for  entries