18 Metaphors for ere

And hard of surmise, Chain of Things that be, Or Reason of our Reason; God, to thee I lift my praise, seeing the silent road That bringeth justice ere the end be trod To all that breathes and dies.

He gave old Peter a capital chance to turn upon him morosely with, "Look a-yer, my chap, is this 'ere your boat?"

These 'ere are the facks o' this case, an 'ow we're a-goin to get over 'em, I don see.

That a dozen such men would have done more to convert all Ireland to Protestantism, than the whole apparatus of the Church Establishment, was ere long my conviction; though I was at first offended by his apparent affectation of a mean exterior.

STUDENT Ere I retire, one boon I must solicit: Here is my album; do not, Sir, deny This token of your favor!

"Was never ere such king, so doughty through all things."

An' as for the Good Samaritan, you're wrong about that, too; for 'ere's the Good Samaritan!"

So 'ere's our philosophy, simple an' plain: Wotever we 'ates in the bloomin' campaign, 'Tis balm to our souls, as we grumble an' cuss, To feel that the Boches are 'atin' it wuss.

"But 'ere's a policeman coming along.

"There's seventy-two pounds there," ses Emma, who was very pale; "and 'ere's a ring you can have to 'elp make up the rest."

" "Why, sure's I live, that ere is a fact, Andy," replied the other; "but I never'd a thought it.

See here, Mr. Charlton, do you 'low this 'ere's a time fer varses?

"This 'ere's the place," he said, "and that's the street he bolted down.

Jerry turned; and, seeing my looks of astonishment, hurriedly said, "That ere's the lingo of the plains.

"I had reason to hope that ere very long I should be the husband of a lady whom I loved best in the world, and with whom, in more than competence, I might live at leisure to try to make myself a name in the world of posterity, without being pestered by the small but countless botherments, which, like mosquitoes, sting us in the world of work-day toil.

But never you mind, 'ere's a nice sweet for you instead.

" "And he hasn't objected, hasn't done anything at all?" Just for an instant, ere came second thought, the old defiance, the old pride, broke forth.

These 'ere are the facks o' this case, an 'ow we're a-goin to get over 'em, I don see.

18 Metaphors for  ere