56 Metaphors for error

The great error of many juvenile books is their deviation from truth; and as so much is absolutely necessary to be taught, why add to the labour by impressing false ideas on the mind of an infant, and thus lose the opportunity of making amusement the vehicle to convey instruction?

Yet in fact, Judas of Galilee preceded Theudas; and the revolt of Theudas had not yet taken place when Gamaliel spoke, so the error is not Gamaliel's, but Luke's.

In reviewing the career of Mr. Calhoun it would seem that the great error and mistake of his life was his disloyalty to the Union.

As, however, one mode of correction is in the power of every President, and consequently in mine, it would be useless, and perhaps invidious, to enumerate the evils of which, in the opinion of many of our fellow-citizens, this error of the sages who framed the Constitution may have been the source and the bitter fruits which we are still to gather from it if it continues to disfigure our system.

[error unchanged: correct form is "grano"] the same Dodem

Willingly I acknowledge that no man will ever avoid innumerable errors of detail: with so vast a compass of ground to traverse, this is impossible: but such errors (though I have a bushel on hand, at M. Michelet's service) are not the game I chase: it is the bitter and unfair spirit in which M. Michelet writes against England.

The error he had committed in rebelling against the State, it was his firm purpose to atone for by his conduct as emperor.

After copying from Lowth the doctrine that a participle with an article before it becomes a noun, and must drop the government and adjuncts of a participle, this author informs us, that the same principles are applicable to the pronoun and participle: as, "Much depends on their observing of the rule, and error will be the consequence of their neglecting of it;" in stead of, "their observing the rule," and "their neglecting it."

THE NEW COMEDY Another current error regarding the Alexandrian period both in Egypt and in Greece (Menander and the New Comedy) is that a regard for purity enters as a new element into its literature.

His error was of course rather a mistake in judgment than the result of inaccurate observation.

Yet she might have known that one error is frequently the parent of many.

The great error was a constant aim to lessen the diameter while they increased the elevation of the columns.

It is, however, important to recollect that the small error, whatever its amount may be, is a concession in favour of the towns.

These errors of the heathen religions were not the voluntary inventions of the peoples who cultivated them, but were gradual and almost unavoidable corruptions of the truths which had been at first taught by Noah; and, indeed, so palpable are these corruptions, that they can be readily detected and traced to the original form from which, however much they might vary among different peoples, they had, at one time or another, deviated.

On that count we didn't let him down, at least not often, even considering that overlooking errors in a straight read-through without the luxury of checking print-outs, but doing the proofreading on the flickering screen itself was a distinct possibility.

But in the period during which the cause of toleration was fought for and practically won, the argument more generally used was the injustice of punishing a man for opinions which he honestly held and could not help holding, since conviction is not a matter of will; in other words, the argument that error is not a crime and that it is therefore unjust to punish it.

Most errors in the use of tenses are violations of some one of the following principles, which are established by good usage: 1.

We say the sun is 91,000,000 miles from the earth, plus or minus a probable error; that is, we are right, probably, within, say, 100,000 miles; or, the sun is 91,000,000 minus 100,000 miles, or it is 91,000,000 plus 100,000 miles off; and this probable error is only a probability.

Another vital error demonstrated by the mutiny was the former plan of drawing soldiers from a single caste.

KNOWLEDGE being to be had only of visible and certain truth, ERROR is not a fault of our knowledge, but a mistake of our judgment giving assent to that which is not true.

The error is in assuming that the whole labor of community exists within that; relation.

I do confes my error was an act Soe grosse and heathnish that its very sight Would have inforcd a Crocodile to weepe Drops as sincere as does the timorous heart When he ore heares the featherd arrow sing His funerall Dirge.

The great error in Rip's composition was an insuperable aversion to all kinds of profitable labor.

The most fatal error is the idea of human and divine spirits, which has been advanced by philosophers and adopted with applause by fools.

His errors were the result of ignorance, and none of the cruelties of the war were directly chargeable to him.

56 Metaphors for  error