61 Metaphors for essence

Dignity became a form of foolery and shamelessness, as if the very essence of a fool were not a lack of dignity.

Its essence, theologically, is "Quietism," without firm belief in anything reached by metaphysic speculation; yet morally and practically it inculcates ennobling, active duties.

Its essence is still "bloody thoughts and revenge.

But the real essence is the constitution of the insensible parts of that body, on which those qualities and all the other properties of gold depend.

The essence of feudalism was a gradation of rank, in the nature of caste, based upon fear.

Your method, your soul, your very essence is doubt and criticism.

The only essences perceived by us in individual substances are those qualities which entitle them to receive their names.

The one important matter was the recognition of "duty to God and man", and all who were one in that recognition might rightfully join in an act of worship, the essence of which was not acceptance of dogma, but love of God and self-sacrifice for man.

For example: there be that say that the essence of body is EXTENSION; if it be so, we can never mistake in putting the essence of anything for the thing itself.

Democracy is a spirit and an atmosphere, and its essence is trust in the moral instincts of the people.

And the essence of it is a flight from conditions which you dread and dislike.

From whence it is easy to observe, that the essences of the sorts of things, and, consequently, the sorting of things, is the workmanship of the understanding that abstracts and makes those general ideas. 13.

The essence of casualty is accident, absence of design.

The Essence of each Sort of substance is our abstract Idea to which the name is annexed.

The essence of priggishness is the disapproving attitude, and it is priggish to wish to appear superior; but my young friend, in the back of his mind, does think himself the superior of courteous, sympathetic, and emotional persons.

The essence of that movement was militant nationalism.

The essence of love is sacrifice; voluntary, nay eager sacrifice.

Pleasure, of which the essence is choice; which compulsion dissociates from every thing to which nature has united it; and which owes not only its vigour but its being to the smiles of liberty.

My own belief is that the essence of the Greek spirit was its originality, its splendid absence of deference, its disregard of what was traditional.

The question is a nice one, for altho a value is in one sense an objective quality perceived, the essence of that quality is its relation to the will, and consists in its being a dynamogenic spur that makes our action different.

The essence of tragedy is a spiritual breakdown or decline, and in the great French play the spiritual sentiment mounts unceasingly until the last line.

It lies quite outside the sphere of speculation and of practice, coincides neither with metaphysics nor with ethics, is not knowledge and not volition, but an intermediate third: it has its own province in the emotional nature, where it reigns without limitation; its essence is intuition and feeling in undivided unity.

The very essence of that life was the making of things, the preparation for winter while it was yet summer, the furnishing of the bridal chest years before marriage.

And therefore the supposed real essences of substances, if different from our abstract ideas, cannot be the essences of the species WE rank things into.

In itself the Essence of Matter is precisely the fluent substance we have imagined, and as we shall see later on the knowledge of this fact, when realized in its proper order, is the basis of the legitimate control of mind over matter.

61 Metaphors for  essence