8 Metaphors for fabrics

It cannot be denied that the fabric of English administration is a noble monument of the civil skill and military prowess developed by our race.

The fabrics are, indeed, typical examples of jute Wilton carpets.

XXIX We artists who try to discern beauty, and endeavour to rule our lives to be as tranquil, as perceptive, as joyful as possible, are apt to be too impatient of the petty, mean, and sordid things with which the fabric of life is so much interwoventhe ugly words of spiteful people, little fretting ailments, unsympathetic criticisms, coldness and indifference, tiresome business, wearisome persons.

And there are those all steeped in crime, Whose fabric is one constant stain; Who fill up their appointed time, With conduct vile, and lips profane.

The fabric of Magyar rule is far too rotten and corrupt to regard with equanimity any extensive note-taking on the part of the outer world.

His writings are the spontaneous outpourings of a rich, full nature, whose main fabric is intellect, but intellect illumined with the glittering light of spiritual hopefulness and flushed with the glow of deep human passion.

It is not only that these pretty and mysterious fabrics of lace and ribbon are an ornament to the loveliest and most youthful; but they have worked a revolution in the caps of elderly ladies.


8 Metaphors for  fabrics