11 Metaphors for falsehoods

Truthfulness is the self-consistency of character; falsehood is a breaking up of the moral integrity.

The real flaw in the deistical theory, which was scarcely felt as such, even by its opponents, was its lack of religious feeling and all historical sense, a lack which rendered the idea acceptable that religions could be "made," and priestly falsehoods become world-moving forces.

Falsehood is the parent of all crimes, and in no case has it a progeny so numerous as that in which its own birth is derived from the state.

Rothe teaches that falsehood is a duty, not only when it is needful in dealing with public or personal enemies, but often, also, in dealing with "children, the sick, the insane, the drunken, the passionately excited, and the morally weak,"and that takes in a large share of the human race.

But, as a matter of fact, no testimony exists of which the falsehood would be a prodigy.

Concealment of that which he has a right to conceal, is as clearly a duty, in many a case, on the part of a physician, as it is on the part of any other person; but falsehood is never a legitimate, or an allowable, means of concealment by physician or layman.

Exposing the incorrectness of the claim, made by Dr. Paley, as by others, that certain specific falsehoods are not lies, Dr. Thornwell shows himself familiar with the discussion of this question of the ages in all the centuries; and he moves on with his eye fixed unerringly on the polar star of truth, in refreshing contrast with the amiable wavering of Dr. Hodge's footsteps.

Falsehood is the marking down in words the agreement or disagreement of ideas otherwise than it is.

Falsehood is the marking down in words the agreement or disagreement of ideas otherwise than it is.

Its inseparable falsehood is the worst of all kinds of falsehoodthe falsehood of omission.

They say that falsehood is an evil: but not so great a one as we fancy.

11 Metaphors for  falsehoods