65 Metaphors for fame

But Fame is a Good so wholly foreign to our Natures, that we have no Faculty in the Soul adapted to it, nor any Organ in the Body to relish it; an Object of Desire placed out of the Possibility of Fruition.

Bravery is often constitutional; fame may be the motive to feats of arms, a statesman and a courtier may act from interest; but a sacrifice so generous as this, can be made by none but those who are good as well as great, who are noble-minded, and gloriously compassionate, like Sidney.

Fame is a shameless huzzy, you know.

Greater fame and greater misery have seldom been the lot of man, and a few brief years sufficed for each extreme.

"Then you don't think it would be rash for some sweet woman to take me in hand and make me happy, since fame is a failure?" "Oh, no; it would be easy work if she loved you.

It is so far otherwise, that a general Fame for Falshood in this kind, is a Recommendation: and the Coxcomb, loaded with the Favours of many others, is received like a Victor that disdains his Trophies, to be a Victim to the present Charmer.

If the people are divided in their opinions, as in all publick questions it has hitherto happened, fame is, I suppose, the voice of the majority; for, if the two parties are equal in their numbers, fame will be equal; then how great must be the majority before it can lay claim to this powerful auxiliary?

"Fame," she said, "is a secret that cannot be told.

This is just what happens in the case of false, that is, unmerited, fame; for its recipient lives upon it without actually possessing the solid substratum of which fame is the outward and visible sign.

Oh! there is a dream of maturer years, More turbulent by far; 'Tis a vision of blood, and of woman's tears, For the theme of that dream is war: And we toil in the field of danger and death, And shout in the battle array, Till we find that fame is a bodyless breath, That vanisheth away.

This is, as it were, the true underlying substance, and fame is only an accident, affecting its subject chiefly as a kind of external symptom, which serves to confirm his own opinion of himself.

The fame of the poet was a potent cause among many.

Such Readers scorned, thou wings't thy daring Flight Above the Stars, and tread'st the Fields of Light; Fame, Heav'n and Hell, are thy exalted Theme, And Visions such as Jove himself might dream; Man sunk to Slav'ry, tho' to Glory born, Heaven's Pride when upright, and depraved his Scorn.

Fame is, as it were, the fruit that must grow all the summer before it can be enjoyed at Yule.

Fame is the spur that the clear spirit doth raise (That hath infirmity of noble mind) To scorn delights and live laborious days And again: How hard it is to climb The heights where Fame's proud temple shines afar!

Fame is not the business of French generals nowadays.

Fame is but a wind that changes about from all quarters.

"Have you learned that fame is an icy shadow?"

My fame, as well as my happiness, has become his victim.

True poets empty fame and praise despise; Fame is the trumpet, but your smile the prize.

It is altogether too savage an appellation for a city whose purity was established in the "Krita Yuga," and whose fame is coeval with that of the great protagonists of Hindu myth and epic.

The fame of Hamilton, indeed, is no peculiar and personal property of his descendants.

" The enormous fame of St William and the popularity of his shrine, not only with those who were on the way to Canterbury, but with such as were merely travellers to the coast, lasted for nearly a hundred years, enriching the monks of Rochester.

His fame was infinitely the largest acknowledgment which this most successful of American authors received for his labors.

I am a little ambitious, I grant, and the only fame I would care much for is a soldier's.

65 Metaphors for  fame