4 Metaphors for flirtations

And, againHollis was cautious in the extremeif she did not belong to Morris, she might infer that he was caring with a grown up feeling, which he was not at all sure was truehe was not sure about himself in anything just then; and, after he became a Christian, he saw all things in a new light, and felt that a "flirtation" was not becoming a disciple of Christ.

It sometimes takes a girl a long time to learn that a flirtation is attention without intention.

A mild, open flirtation with a recognized man like Brace, after her secret passionate tryst with a nameless nomad like Low, was an ethical equipoise that seemed proper to one of her religious education.

A treetop flirtation is their special delight (I hope my readers have all seen one; few things of the sort are better worth looking at), and here, in the absence of trees, they had taken to the ridgepole of a house.

4 Metaphors for  flirtations