31 Metaphors for fools

I would say a fool is man who think he is wise.

The fool was, in early times, a very important personage in most Scottish households of any distinction.

I never breathed a word about the night's doings, nor for divers reasons did Ringan; but the story got about, and the young fools were the laughing-stock of the place.

The Fool in Lear, Touchstone in As You Like It, and Thersites in Troilus and Cressida, are a sort of parody of the function of the Greek chorus, commenting the action of the drama with scraps of bitter, or half-crazy, philosophy, and wonderful gleams of insight into the depths of man's nature.

A fool is the abortive of wit, where nature had more power than reason in bringing forth the fruit of imperfection.

" A fool's bauble, in its literal meaning, is the carved truncheon which the licensed fools or jesters anciently carried in their hands.

"Didn't Rhinehart tell you?" "Rhinehart's a fool and so are the rest of them.

Fool, idiot that I was never to discover this before!" had been Edward's exclamation, in a tone of unrestrained joy.

"But remember this, my young friend, that a fool is a fool, drunk or sober.

In Lodowick Carlell's The Fool Would be a Favourite; or, The Discreet Lover (12mo, 1657), we have Philantus confronting Lucinda as his own ghost(Actus Quintus).

O fool, for one in thy situation to talk thus is an idle fancy; little mouths should not utter big words: no morebe silentrepeat not such presumptuous language; if any other had dared to behave so improperly, I vow to God, I would have ordered his body to be cut in pieces, and given to the kites [of the air]; but what can I do?Your services ever come to my recollection.

'Tis Tully's paradox, "wise men are free, but fools are slaves," liberty is a power to live according to his own laws, as we will ourselves: who hath this liberty?

An effeminate fool is the figure of a baby.

The fools are only, &c. Enter VENUS.

60 You'll find at last this maxim true, Fools are the game which knaves pursue.

"Lord T. Their being fools, madam, is not always the husband's security; or, if it were, fortune sometimes gives them advantages might make a thinking woman tremble.

Blockheads with reason wicked wits abhor, But fool with fool is barb'rous civil war.

These fools of feeling are mere birds of winter That haunt some barren island of the north, Where, if a famishing man stretch forth his hand, They think it is to feed them.

I wonder if that poor, little, brown-skinned fool isn't after all as much a victim as I am.

"Ye fools be ye of an understanding heart."

Fools and dead men are the only people who never change their opinions or their course of action.

So the Fool was usually well content to be alone.

All fools are poets; this the Prefect feels; and he is merely guilty of a non distributio medii in thence inferring that all poets are fools.

'I tell you it is the only thing to be done; so what's the use of talking about it, you fool,' were the first words she distinguished.

The biggest fools are the extra smart ones, whose pride and peculiar joy it is to "beat the game.

31 Metaphors for  fools