8 Metaphors for fortnight

"When I am on business," he explained, "I don't carry my sticks about with me, and I tell you this last fortnight has been a giddy whirl for me.

We did not dream that a fortnight later it would be our one hope of escape. II.

That fortnight was the sunniest which Elsley had passed, since he made secret love to Lucia in Eaton Square.

The first fortnight is rapture, the third and fourth weeks are calm content, the fifth is weariness, the sixth a fever to be gone.

This last fortnight has been a time of pure delight; I have been too absorbed in enjoying myself to write.

A fortnight is usually the extent of time necessary, and they may even be sometimes permitted to enjoy the luxury of a swim at the end of a week.

But a fortnight after came an unstamped letter summoning him to the Ministry, and after a three hours' wait he was shown into Monsieur Bargemont's private room.

"Another fortnight on top of that will be nearer the mark, I expect," he said, getting up from the bed.

8 Metaphors for  fortnight