17 Metaphors for fragments

He drew the scattered papers together, but the lines, blurred and confused, carried no meaning; the fragments of broken glass in the little trays beside him were a dull, untranslucent gray, and written all over papers and fragments, in vivid letters that burned into his brain, were those other terrible words of Piero's which he had tried in vain to forget"Thy daughter is dying for this curse."

Now a fragment that can suggest all this with the smallest possible expenditure of phrases, is not a fragment that can be set aside.

This fragment is the gracefully buttressed east end of the choir, which rises from the level meadow-land to the east of the town.

The fragments which may be safely assigned to it are the Moses at S. Pietro in Vincoli and the two bound captives of the Louvre; the Madonna and Child, Leah and Rachel, and two seated statues also at S. Pietro in Vincoli, belong to the plan, though these have undergone considerable alterations.

Men had learnt, that is to say, something of the very real truth in the theory of the Least Common Multiple, and, as in psychology and many other sciences, had presumed that the little fragment of truth that they had perceived was the whole truth.

(FRAGMENTS FROM THE LATEST (MIDLOTHIAN) VERSION OF "THE LORD OF THE ISLES.") McGLADSTONE rosehis pallid cheek Was little wont his joy to speak, But then his colour rose.

In pose, type, arrangement of hair, and in landscape this fragment is thoroughly Giorgionesque, and we have, moreover, those most characteristic traits, the pointing forefinger, and the unbroken curve of outline.

The principal remaining fragment of the palace is the Banqueting-House of Inigo Jones, from which Charles I. passed to execution.

None but his guest or guests dreamed of tasting flesh luxuries at night, the fragments were verè hospilibus sacra.

Of the walls of Newcastle only fragments remain, the most considerable portion being found between Westgate Road and St. Andrew's Churchyard; here are also remains of several of the watch-towers that stood at intervals around the wallsthe Heber Tower, the Mordaunt or Morden Tower, and the Ever Tower.

It has been said that the fragments of ice, some of which were more than a hundred feet in diameter, and all of which were eight or ten feet in thickness, had been left on their edges, inclining in a way to form caverns that extended a great distance.

He composed such curious sentences, and hurled them at me in such an inconsequential sort of way, as though his main line of thought was secret to himself, and these fragments were mere bits he found it impossible to digest.

Fragments of Greek also are common, as in the -Casina-, (iii. 6, 9): Pragmata moi parecheis -Dabo- mega kakon, -ut opinor-.

Where we turned off the road, broken finger-points of brick walls in the faint moonlight indicated the site of Neuve Chapelle; other fragments of walls in front of us were the remains of a house; and that broken tree-trunk showed what a big shell can do.

These fragments of smudged prints were his passport into a new and delightful world; they were, it might be said, the name of his destination in the great republic of letters, and yet he hesitated to look at them.

This fragment is the only thing I would carry away if I had the power.

(FRAGMENTS FROM THE LATEST (MIDLOTHIAN) VERSION OF "THE LORD OF THE ISLES.") McGLADSTONE rosehis pallid cheek Was little wont his joy to speak, But then his colour rose.

17 Metaphors for  fragments