35 Metaphors for frankest

"Frank and the boys are company.

Frank was a crack shot with a revolver; and more than once this accomplishment had stood them both in good stead.

A very few months after my lord's coming to Castlewood in the winter time, little Frank being a child in petticoats, trotting about, it happened that little Frank was with his father after dinner, who fell asleep, heedless of the child, who crawled to the fire.

Frank was the bearer of his friend's challenge, and on presenting it, the gentleman refused to accept it, saying that the challenger "was no gentleman."

Because, you know, Frank and I are not the sort of people that go and make a scandalat least, that was what I thought,' she sighed.

But Frank was a true Yankee, and fruitful in expedients, and he soon hit upon a plan, which he was about putting into execution, when a strong, cheery voice called out: "Arrah, me boy!

Mr. S. had employed a Mr. Beckwith to repair a boat, and told him Frank was a good mechanic, and he might have his services.

" "And very bad?" "Poor Frank is our worst case as yet.

Frank was a person who believed that knowledge of almost any sort was likely to prove of value to a man at some stage of his career, and he had made a practice of learning everything possible.

Andy might be slightly inclined that way, but Frank was an exceedingly careful navigator of the air, and by degrees his influence was even affecting his younger cousin, as example always will.

Was he as desperate as poor Frank is now?" "Frank is a very mild copy of him at that age.

Frank, however, was not the man to remain in a state of tutelage, working for another.

Then to Joe's terror, he heard the man whom he had until this moment taken to be as honorable as his own late father answer: "Boston Frank, this lad is the wisest and shrewdest young crook that ever walked the streets of Chicago."

[Frank was Francis John Field, Barron Field's brother, in the India House.

I thought Camilla wouldpoor Frank is such insignificant game!"

Frank was a total abstainer, and his friends had found that nothing would induce him to drink or smoke.

I was present at a social gathering where Frank was a guest, and was watching your mother attentively when I saw her shrink instinctively from his touch and leave the play in which she was engaged and throw her glove in the fire.

"Ah, doctor, I am almost tempted to wish Frank had been a girl.

I know Frank will feel sorrow, because I myself have such an aching heart; but if I had asked him whether I was not right in going, he would have been too truthful not to have said yes.

"Frank and loyal," was the answer.

James often complained to his mother that Frank was a "low-minded, mean fellow," and urged an immediate departure.

He takes as his motto, with adroit impertinence, some lines of Wordsworth, and persuades us nor need we blame the licensed joys, Though false to Nature's quiet equipoise: Frank are the sports, the stains are fugitive.

Its people, whether Frank or Saxon, were all pure Teuton, and still spoke in their Teutonic or German tongue.

Frank was now a very old dog, having reached a stage of yapping senility, where he found his sole comfort in following the sun about the house and dozing in it, sometimes noisily dreaming of past adventures.

Had Frank been an experienced deer-hunter, he would have been very careful not to approach the game in that manner; for a deer, when he finds himself unable to escape, will fight most desperately, and his sharp antlers and hoofs, which will cut like a knife, are weapons not to be despised.

35 Metaphors for  frankest