84 Metaphors for freedoms

" "You are right," said Lavretsky after a pause; "what good is my freedom to me?" "When did you get that paper?" said Lisa without heeding his question.

Body, then, is the prison-house of soul, And freedom is its highest happiness, Its heaven, its primal being full of joy.

Freedom must ever be the greatest of blessings; but it ceases to be a distinction, in proportion as other nations become free.

If freedom is an illusion, we must admit the doom of democracy.

Freedom is the "power to begin or forbear, continue or put an end to" actions (thoughts and motions).

It is the doctrine of the Republican party, that Freedom is national and Slavery sectional; that the Constitution of the United States was designed for the promotion of liberty, and not of slavery; that its framers contemplated the gradual abolition of slavery; and that in the hands of an anti-slavery majority it could be so wielded as peaceably to extinguish this great evil.

Her ancient freedom is his fee; Her ancient beauty is his dower: She bares her ample breasts, that he May suck the milk of power.

They only know that one is free; but on this very account, the freedom of that one is only caprice; ferocitybrutal recklessness of passion, or a mildness and tameness of the desires, which is itself only an accident of natureis mere caprice like the former.

" A striking testimony, this, to the fact that freedom in England is a reality, and not merely a name.

Remote from cities, the dweller still in the old plantation hut, neighboring to the sulky, disaffected master-class, who still think her freedom was a personal robbery of themselves, none of the 'fair humanities' have visited her humble home.

I am not the first who say it, that the freedom of Germany is the condition of the liberty of the world; history tells it with a thousand tongues, every statesman acknowledges it, and all the despots know it.

It is futile, therefore, to say to a Government that it acts unjustly in coercing opinion, unless it is shown that freedom of opinion is a principle of such overmastering social utility as to render other considerations negligible.

It is a result of speculative philosophy that freedom is the sole truth of Spirit.

Intellectual freedom and honesty were the real reasons of the disgrace of Racine and Fénelon.

The people, too, have their prerogative; and I hope the fine words of Dryden will be engraven on our hearts, 'Freedom is the English subject's prerogative.'

We thus see that in olden times, as also later, freedom was more or less the natural consequence of the possession of wealth or power on the part of individuals or families who considered themselves free in the midst of general dependence.

On another page this Socialist-Chauvinist proclaims that "the freedom of the oppressed must be the work of the oppressed themselves," which is a principle that the I.L.P. and U.D.C., etc., would do well to note.

Freedom is to them not only an enjoyment, but a kind of rank and privilege.

Of his unbounded generosity and indifference to personal advantage, his freedom from scientific jealousy, everybody who came in contact with him was witness.

war no freedom was 'ceptin' the Yankees come tell them something and then they couldn't understand how it all be.

Freedom is the fairest gift of Heaven; but it is not the security of itself.

Freedom is the spontaneity of spirits.

My very freedom is the result of it.

This freedom from restraint in her motions, was an agreeable trait in a person of her literary tastes and abilities.

This Lentulus certainly was, in the sense of being free from envy, hatred, and malice; and such freedom was all the more remarkable an indication of native benignity, because of his gaseous, illimitably expansive conceit.

84 Metaphors for  freedoms