7 Metaphors for gauls

The Gauls are the best of all, particularly for draught cattle.

In their own country they had the feudal system and a priestly government: the Druids were their only rulers, who avenged the oppressed people on the lords, but in their turn became tyrants: all the people were in the condition of serfs, a proof that the Gauls, in their own country too, were the conquerors who had subdued an earlier population.

That the Gauls and Samnites were now the victims of mother Earth and the infernal gods.

According to Strabo, the Gauls were great eaters of meat, especially of pork, whether fresh or salted.

We must remember that, in the centuries before the northward spread of Rome, the Gauls were the great central European power.

The Gauls were the chief branch of the great original stock of Celts.

These Gauls were partly Celts, and partly (indeed principally) Belgae or Cymri, as may be perceived from the circumstance that their king, as well as the one who appeared before Delphi, is called Brennus.

7 Metaphors for  gauls