7 Metaphors for genera

THE TURKEY.This is one of the gallinaceous birds, the principal genera of which are Pheasants, Turkeys, Peacocks, Bustards, Pintatoes, and Grouse.

Very few new genera were the fruits of this third voyage, but many undescribed plants of old genera were discovered, and with those that are frequent on the North Coast, and tropical shores of New South Wales, some were remarked that were originally discovered on the South Coast.

In short, Darwin looked forward to the time when species would have to be treated in the same manner as genera are treated by those naturalists who admit that genera are merely artificial combinations made for convenience.

The new genera here instituted are: Calpidium. Diachoris.

The new genera here instituted are: Calpidium. Diachoris.

Genera, then, are groups of a more restricted character than any of those we have examined thus far.

And the genera whose characters it has been found requisite to modify are: Catenicella.

7 Metaphors for  genera