10 Metaphors for gingers

" Matters went on more smoothly after Malcolm's efforts at peacemaking, and when it was decided that Ginger could be a brave, too, instead of a squaw, they were soon playing together as pleasantly as if they had found the happy hunting grounds.

Ginger is a crank about being a patriot.

ses Ginger, 'olding out 'is glass to be filled agin.

He ordered port wine, which he thought seemed more 'igh-class than beer, and then Peter Russet started talking to Miss Tucker and told her that Ginger was a prize-fighter from Sydney, where he'd beat everybody that stood up to 'im.

ses Ginger, 'olding out 'is glass to be filled agin.

Ginger, who was sitting up in bed with a far-off look in 'is eyes, cuddling 'is knees, went on staring but didn't answer.

Wot should I want to do it for?" "All right, Sam," ses Ginger, sticking 'is fingers in 'is ears, "you didn't, then.

Ginger was her niece.

"Not with me?" ses Ginger, sitting down beside her on the sofa and putting 'is arm so that she could lean against it if she wanted to.

Ginger was the fust to 'ear 'is foot on the stairs, and as he came into the room, in the darkness, him an' Peter Russet started shaking their bed in a way that scared old Sam nearly to death.

10 Metaphors for  gingers