14 Metaphors for grandma

"When grandma was a young woman she didn't have no children, so her master thought sure she was barren.

Grandma was a cook for the field hands.

Grandma was a house girl.

Grandma was a milliner.

My grandma was a midwife.

Grandma and grandpa was heap stronger I am at my age.

ejaculated grandma, "it's an age since you were here.

"So, then, Grandma, the real followers of Jesus are Crystal Palaces, but not perfect Crystal Palaces;that is what you mean, I think?" "It is, my dear.

Imitations are made from porcelain, but very likely grandma's or great-auntie's will be the real conch-shell.

"Grandma was Rachel Willis.

"Auntie, is it wicked to wear jewels, if your grandma's a Quaker?" "I think not; that is, if somebody should give you a pair; but I hope somebody never will.

" Grandma was such a quaint, pretty picture, as she sat in her straight-backed chair, with her Quaker cap and steel-gray silk gown, her sleeves elbow-cut, displaying still plump and rounded arms (although she was nearly seventy), and her smooth white fingers flew rapidly in and out of the blue yarn as she resumed her knitting of Peter's stocking.

"Grandma was Patsy Smith.

You may have noticed that grandma always says, 'my son,' and I always say 'my husband,' when we speak of him.

14 Metaphors for  grandma