109 Metaphors for half

By now half of Europe was one great funeral.

The first half of the century, especially, is an age of prose, owing largely to the fact that the practical and social interests of the age demanded expression.

More than half of the inhabitants of Austria-Hungary are Slavs, although the Austrians proper are a Germanic people, and the Hungarians do not belong to the Indo-European family at all.

Probably half of our visitors were men; several were small boys; one was a woman with a baby; the others were young married women and girls.

We others, wont to live a life of deeds, Are not inclined to modest means like this, Which takes the guilt away, but not the harm Yes, half but is the fear of some new sin.

The western half of the church is Perp., with occasional traces of an earlier Norm.

There is likewise said to be a certain tree, that part of which that grows towards the east is a sure antidote against all kinds of poison, while the western half of the same tree is itself a deadly poison.

His reasoning, too, was very curious; for, though numbers might die, yet as one half who entered were landsmen, seamen were continually forming.

The western half of the south side of Grant Island, is a line of cliffs, from one to three hundred feet in height.

About half was blank paper, for it came at the end of the Book of Revelation.

Before the lower half of the windows were curtains of red serge, which she rattled apart on their brass rods, whenever she heard a footstep, or the creak of a wheel in the road below.

It was a big, two-story building, the lower half being "jest cobblestones," as the neighbors sneeringly remarked, while the upper half was "decent pine lumber."

At about A.D. 1000 almost half of the gentry families were new families of low origin.

It contained at that time about twenty thousand people,less than half of whom were whites, and these chiefly French creoles,besides a floating population of sailors and traders.

PACHISI BOARD.In the northern half of the great palace quadrangle is a pachisi board, cut on the pavement, similar to the one in the Samman Burj in the Agra Fort.

The Wesleyans have seven chapels, with as many more small preaching places on estates, and twelve ministers; half of whom are itinerant missionaries, and the other half, local preachers, employed as planters, or in mercantile, and other pursuits, and preaching only occasionally.

They contained in all some five or six hundred permanent settlers, nearly half of them being able-bodied riflemen.

More than one half of Germany's total imports are raw materials for manufactures, about two-thirds of her exports being manufactured goods.

Of one hundred pupils, half were boarders.

It was of two stories, the upper half being a cozy lounging-room, with wide windows and a fine outlook over the water.

About half of these poems were the work of Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503?-1542) and of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1517?-1547).

The east half is the recovery of Norfolk,the west half the occupation of Richmond; and the idea complete is the education of Virginia's unmannerly and disloyal sons.

They are all coloured by human ideas and personalities and temperaments, and half of them are intuitions and experiences, which vary at different times and under different circumstances.

I heard him whisper to Monsieur de Caulaincourt that half of them were German Dukes who expected to be made Kings, and the other half German Dukes who expected to be made paupers.

Half of these companies were horsemen, and the others went on foot.

109 Metaphors for  half