19 Metaphors for handwriting

Every one of Shelley s words is always worth consideration; but handwritings are surely equivocal testimonies of character; they depend so much on education, on times and seasons and moods, conscious and unconscious wills, &c.

I am very glad that the handwriting was a favourable omen of the morale of the piece; but you must not trust to that, as my copyist would write out anything I desired in all the ignorance of innocenceI hope, however, in this instance, with no great peril to either.

But their faces fell as they looked at the letter and saw that the handwriting was not David's.

The handwriting was a strong backhand, not at all an illiterate hand.

A plain, legible, and rapid handwriting is so valuable an accomplishment that it is well worth acquiring.

Perhaps she had written it herself, in her sleep, under some sort of self-hypnosisbut, in that case, would the handwriting have been her husband's?

But the handwriting was not Dicky's.

Two letters were trembling in his hand, two open letters, and one of them was in several fluttering sheets; this handwriting was a lady's, Jeroma recognized that, although she could not read even her own name in script.

The bank will not recognise my signature, for I suppose that, allowing for the feeble muscles I now have, my handwriting is still Eden's.

In what was given under these circumstances she wrote for us the replies in conversations with what purported to be the spirits of three deceased relatives, the wife of my brother, my brother Alfred, and cousin Harvey, who had for several years been my most intimate and beloved friend; and the handwriting of the three series of communication was a better imitation of their writing than I, knowing it, could have produced.

" "The handwriting may be some clue," suggested Mr. Ready.

When the document was shown him, he boldly declared that the endorsement was a forgery, and further that the handwriting on the note of hand itself was not Samarendra's.

This is very important; for handwriting is, as it were, an extension of the personality of the writer.

There is no signature; but the handwriting is unmistakably Lamb's; nor are the lines themselves the worst of his playful effusions."

It would appear that the handwriting is a very delicate test of difference in organisationa conclusion which I commend to the notice of enthusiasts in the art of discovering character by the handwriting.

"The gift of life at birth is only a little breath on a baby's lips; the air asks no consent to fill the lungs, the heart beats, the senses awaken, the mind begins, and the first handwriting of life is a child's smile; but as boyhood gathers fuller strength, and youth hives a more intimate sweetness, and manhood expands in richer values, life is not less entirely a gift.

The handwriting was undoubtedly Clarian's, and I told Thorne as much.

As I signed his slip, I saw that the handwriting upon the letter was Jack's.

The handwriting is Mary Armsworth's.

19 Metaphors for  handwriting