4 Metaphors for hawaii

Of the five inhabited islands Hawaii is the largest; it contains the famous volcano, Kilauea, whose crater is one of the world's wonders, being 9 m. in circumference, and filled with a glowing lake of molten lava which ebbs and flows like an ocean tide.

"By some accounts, Hawaii is the most isolated land mass in the world.

Hawaii annexed.%But in few respects was the effect of the war so marked as in the changed sentiment of the people toward Hawaii.

Vevau and Hawaii were placed in their former abode toward India (Hawaii being undoubtedly Java; and Vevau being Vavao, in Malagasy); but they had brought the names with them, and when they reached the present American territory, of which Honolulu is the capital, they called it Hawaii, as they had an island of the Samoan group, Sawaii.

4 Metaphors for  hawaii