9 Metaphors for hostesses

The hostess here was evidently a woman who treasured her household gods, but who liked also to show them.

The hostess was a good and sprightly cook, and I watched her proceedings with a keen interest as I sat upon one of the seats in the chimney.

Another hostess was the Princess Lize Troubetskoi.

The hostess is not a friend of his, for whom he feels that he must exert himself.

For a few days after he made his first appearance there his lovely hostess was all attention and devotion; but, finding that he was anything but an agreeable or impressionable companion, she soon wearied of his society.

Our hostess was a leading member of the Fourth St. M.E. Church, the other feminine fiend a Presbyterian.

A HANDSOME HOSTESS Is the fairer commendation of an inn, above the fair sign, or fair lodgings.

"It is, my dear," said our hostess,one of those of his flock whom the minister had described as "conservatives of the strictest type"; "'very new' are the exact words with which to speak of it!"

My hostess was a talker, ready to sit to any hour of the night chatting of her life and of Russia.

9 Metaphors for  hostesses